Of the 14 current committers, I have recieved 9 votes in support, and 0
votes against. Of the non-voters, 1 is on vacation and 1 is new to the
project and I would not expect to see votes from either of them.
I believe that is adequate support to move forward.
Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>I have listed all the committers at the TopLink Essentials page. See:
>Based on this proposed protocol, Tom is responsible to report back on
>everybody's vote. Votes are not private. We will discuss, separatedly
>and in a public forum, how the GlassFish community should handle arguing
>the merits of a given candidate, but I am fairly confident that we will
>not have that problem in the case of Wonseok and we don't want to impede
>progress while we figure out the process.
> - eduard/o
>Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>>OK, since we are doing this for the first time, I propose this
>>(strawman) protocol:
>>* An existing committer (the 'advocate' - better name?) proposes a new
>>committer (the 'candidate')
>>* All other committers should consider whether the new candidate has
>>shown technical & team abilities needed to be granted commit status
>>* Committers should vote.
>>* Advocate tallies the votes and reports back to the DEV alias.
>>We will need to figure out how many +1 vs -1, etc, etc. But I suspect
>>this is not going to be an issue for Wonseok.
>>The process should be consistent across all GlassFish projects, so I'll
>>put together a better fleshed strawman and will run it by people.
>>Sometime after the flurry of this next Monday (tomorrow) :-)
>> - eduard/o
>>Tom Ware wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>> I propose we grant commit access for the entity-persistence module to
>>>Wonseok Kim.
>>> Wonseok, has been contributing high quality code on a regular basis
>>>to the project and also been providing valuable feedback to other
>>>particpants. The quality and quantity of work he has been providing
>>>indicates to me commit access should be granted.
>>> Please reply either to the persistence list or directly to me by the
>>>end of day on Monday (November 13) I will consider non-response to
>>>indicate support.
>>>Tom Ware
Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598
Email: tom.ware_at_oracle.com