Re: Another cascade question

From: Christopher Delahunt <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:03:23 -0500

Hello Greg,

Not sure what your customerOrder.setCustomerNature(customerNature);
method does, but I don't see the code where you add the customerOrder object to customerNature's list of customerOrders. So when you delete, the collection is empty which is why it does not cascade remove. You must maintain both sides of any bidirectional relationship according to the spec.

Best Regards,

----- Original Message -----
  From: Greg Ederer
  Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 11:16 AM
  Subject: Re: Another cascade question

  Hi Markus,

  Here is the JUnit test that causes the error condition:

    public void checkout()
      boolean testRemove = true;
      System.out.println("starting checkout");
      String userName = "rodrigo";
      EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
      // New AppUser
      AppUser user = new AppUser();
      // AppUser becomes a customer
      CustomerNature customerNature = new CustomerNature();
      // Give the user a shopping cart
      ShoppingCart shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();
      // Add some items to the cart
      // New offering
      Offering offering = new Offering();
      offering.setName("Rubber Ducky");
      offering.setDescription("A nice rubber duck.");
      offering.setPrice(new Double(10.00));
      // Create a new ShoppingCartItem to put in the cart
      ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem();
      Offering offering2 = new Offering();
      offering2.setDescription("A lovely dog.");
      offering2.setPrice(new Double(50.00));
      // Create a new ShoppingCartItem to put in the cart
      ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem2 = new ShoppingCartItem();
      // Add the items to the cart
      assertEquals(shoppingCart.getTotal(), 60.00);
      // Create a billing details
      CreditCardBillingDetails billingDetails = new CreditCardBillingDetails();
      billingDetails.setName("Company credit card");
      billingDetails.setDescription("Used for business purchases.");
      billingDetails.setExpiryDate(new Date());
      // Create a customer order
      CustomerOrder customerOrder = new CustomerOrder();
      // CustomerOrder.setBillingDetails should add this billingDetails to customerNature
      catch(Exception e)
        //fail("Persist failed: " + e.getMessage());
        catch(Exception ex)
          //fail("Rollback of Persist failed: " + ex.getMessage());
        catch(Exception e)
          //fail("Remove failed: " + e.getMessage());
          catch(Exception ex)
            //fail("Rollback of Remove failed: " + ex.getMessage());


  Markus Fuchs wrote:
    Hi Greg,

    hard to tell. The mapping is correct. Could you post your test program here?


    -- markus.

    Greg Ederer wrote On 11/12/06 09:08,:

      Following Markus' excellent advice on my OneToOne cascade question, I subsequently created the following implementation:

      CustomerNature has:

        @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, mappedBy="customerNature")
        private List<CustomerOrder> customerOrders = new ArrayList<CustomerOrder>();
      CustomerOrder has:

        @JoinColumn(name="customer_nature", nullable=false)
        private CustomerNature customerNature;

      When I run my tests, I get:

      javax.persistence.RollbackException: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060830)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
      Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: update or delete on "customer_nature" violates foreign key constraint "fk_customer_order_customernature_id" on "customer_order"
        Detail: Key (id)=(3) is still referenced from table "customer_order".Error Code: 0
      Call:DELETE FROM customer_nature WHERE (ID = ?)
          bind => [3]

      I am gradually working my way through the JSR 220 specification (wish I had more time to devote to this). In the mean time, could some kind soul please enlighten me on this issue?




| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| 360.379.1157
| OpenDocument - OK


| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| 360.379.1157
| OpenDocument - OK