Re: Code review for issue #1502

From: Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo <Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 22:07:37 +0530

Hi Tom,

1. There are no issues on EE use case.
2. On SE, excludeUnlistedClasses is true by default. Users can safely
use excludeUnlistedClasses = false as long as the URL representing
persistence.xml has file: or jar: scheme or is one from which a jar
format InputStream can be obtained. This means, even when users just use
an exploded directory, we can discover annotated classes.

Thanks for reviewing. I shall check in the changes.

Tom Ware wrote:
> Hi Sahoo,
> I think the fix should be ok.
> Is there anywhere we can document the cases that will cause issues?
> (SE deployments that are not in jar files must have all classes
> listed, I guess )
> -Tom
> Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> Very good point raised. I forgot to mention about this in the
>> proposed fix. We have a *new* method in ArchiveFactoryImpl called
>> *isJarInputStream(URL)* which checks if a Jar format InputStream can
>> be obtained from a URL. If this method returns true,
>> ArchiveFactoryImpl returns a JarInputStreamArchive, else it returns a
>> URLArchive. JarInputStream can return the entries of a jar correctly.
>> For <jar-file>bar.jar</jar-file>, Eclipse gives us a URL which looks
>> like bundleresource://3/bar.jar. For this, isJarInputStream() returns
>> true, so we are OK.
>> One more thing to note is that, we are not likely to use URLArchive
>> in Java EE environment as the spec requires containers to return URLs
>> with either file: or jar: scheme or from which a Jar format
>> InputStream can be obtained.
>> Hope this clarifies. I shall update the proposed fix details in issue
>> tracker.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> Tom Ware wrote:
>>> Hi Sahoo,
>>> I just have one concern. Perhaps you can alleviate it.
>>> The fact that we have to return and empty iterator from the
>>> getEntries method of URLArchive means we cannot detect classes that
>>> are in a jar. Can the URL of a jar file listed in persistence.xml
>>> as a <jar-file> use this kind of a URL? If so, doesn't the spec
>>> require us to be able to detect the classes?
>>> -Tom
>>> Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>> Please review the fix for issue #1502. It needs introduction of a
>>>> new class called URLArchive in addition to the changes to two
>>>> existing classes. Issue tracker has more details about the fix.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sahoo