Fixing issue 1226

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 15:26:25 -0800

Tom, Team,

I'm in the process of fixing this issue
and have several related questions:

1. In some tests the 'catch (...Exception e)' results in em.close() calls, while
in other it doesn't. Should I add em.close() in at least those cases that I
change? Or should I try to fix all of them?

2. There are cases, when the exception is completely ignored (i.e. no 'fail' or
anything to that extent being done inside the catch block). Is it OK to ignore
those exceptions?

3. This is a more generic question: let's come with the rules that we can
document in the readme file, to make sure we don't need to do this exercise
again :(.
