Re: using composition with JPA

From: Christopher Delahunt <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:54:19 -0400

Sounds like you need 3 classes - 2 entities (Vehicle and Permit) and one embeddable (VehicleDetails) that contains the shared attributes. Vehicle and Permit then would have their own tables each with their own VehicleDetails instance.

Best Regards,
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: sud
  Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:27 AM
  Subject: RE: using composition with JPA

  I'm still unclear about the solutions proposed. Here's a more detailed real-life explanation of what I'm trying to achieve and I'd any appreciate help figuring this out.

  I have a JPA entity class called Vehicle as below

  public class Vehicle {
       private int VIN;
      private String model;

      private String color;

  I have a second JPA entity class called Permit which represents vehicle permits issued by the agency

  public class Permit {
      private int number;
      private Date issuedDate;

      private Vehicle vehicle;

  My business rule is a Vehicle can have many permits issued to it and a Permit can be issued to one and only one Vehicle. You should always be able to retrieve a specific permit and say what was the vehicle it was issued to. So if a permit was issued to a vehicle with color Red, and if the same vehicle has since been updated to color Blue, the permit that was issued should still say vehicle color Red. This is what I meant by the Permit is composed of Vehicle and that the instance variable vehicle in Permit is a snapshot of a vehicle when that permit is created.

  All this leads mean to believe that I need to be able to store the values of the Vehicle object in the Permit table and not create a reference from the Permit table to the Vehicle table. That way if the vehicle was updated, the permit still has the original properties of vehicle it was issued to.

  I hope I explained myself better now. Please let me know how to go about this in JPA.

  My issue is with the vehicle object in the Permit class. If

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