Hi Wonseok,
I agree, lets wait on the ASM experts to see what they say.
Your change looks good.
Wonseok Kim wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> My investigation have shown that ASM throws exception if there is
> empty annotation array values like @Table(uniqueConstraints = {})
> I'm not ASM expert, so I sent a email to * asm_at_objectweb.org
> <mailto:asm_at_objectweb.org> *mailing list to inquire about this.
> http://www.nabble.com/ASM-1.5.3-ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException-is-thrown-if-there-is-empty-annotation-array-values-tf3374118.html
> In our side we should log the exception thrown from ASM, otherwise it
> is not easy to find the root cause for this kind of problem.
> Hence, I added some logging code as the attached fix.
> Tom, could you review this? I will check in this first if you agree.
> To fix this issue completely, ASM code should be modified. ASM
> 3.0(2.0, too) has a fix for this, but ASM 1.5.3 has not. As you know,
> ASM 3.0 is the latest version, but it is not compatible with ASM
> 1.5.3. So it's not trivial issue to switch into ASM 3.0.
> For the moment, let's wait the response from ASM experts to see if we
> can patch the bundled ASM 1.5.3.
> Thanks
> -Wonseok
> On 3/9/07, *Peter Krogh* <peter.krogh_at_oracle.com
> <mailto:peter.krogh_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> You posted to this bug that it there is an ASM error... Have you
> dug any deeper, or were you planning to dig deeper? ;)