Remove Problem

From: Joerg Lauer <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:33:08 +0200


while running some performance tests I noticed that some entities
weren't removed, when they were created in the same transaction.

The entities were persisted, in another business method of another bean,
and afterwards removed. (I was using a fake home interface, for this test)

After the transaction finished, the removed entities were inserted into
the database.

If I skip the artificial home and persist and remove in the same method
(or even call methods on the same bean) everything works okay.

I'd like to know whether I'm making a fundamental mistake, or it's an
issue in toplink or glassfish.

I'm currently running Appserver 9, but glassfish v2 Build 08 showed the
same problem, both using toplink and JavaDB.


Joerg Lauer