I think I found a bug

From: Sergio Samayoa <>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:05:54 -0600


I'm experimenting with toplink with desktop applications and I think I found
a bug.

Top link doesn't sees the changes make by other applications.

This is the scenario:

1. TopLink application ("TLA" from here) starts and fetch some entities.
2. Another application ("OA" from here) access the same database and updates
one record then commits.
3. TLA's clears its persistence context (EntityManager.clear()) then fetches
again the records. The updated record stills as if weren't updated.

I'm pretty sure that the record is updated in the database but top link is
using existing entity instance without updating with the new data.

My environment:

Top Link 2.0-58g
JDK 1.6.0_03
Windows XP SP2

At this moment this bug is a stopper for multi-user desktop applications.

Where can I report it?
