I have not changed the transactional settings, so the defaults apply in
both, the SB and the EB.
AFAIK the default is that a TX is automatically started and finished
around the invocation, isn't it?
Gordon Yorke schrieb:
> Hello Markus
> What are the transactional boundaries for the listening SB? Is
> the em you are accessing in the listener in a transaction and reading
> transactional data?
> --Gordon
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> I forgot to mention: Exactly the same code executed from within a
>> session bean results in the new child beeing listed correctly.
>> So what difference is between a MDB and a SB?
>> Thanks! :-)
>> Markus
>> Markus Karg schrieb:
>>> I have a strange problem and need your kind help. :-)
>>> In GlassFishv2ur2, I am running a session bean that does:
>>> parent = em.find(ParentEntity.class, 1000).getSingleResult();
>>> parent.getChildren();
>>> which lists the content of a OneToMany relationship.
>>> Now a message driven bean does:
>>> parent = em.find(ParentEntity.class, 1000).getSingleResult();
>>> child = new ChildEntity(parent); // Implicitly sets "One"-Side
>>> parent.getChildren().add(child); // Explicitly sets "Many"-Side
>>> em.persist(child);
>>> When I go to the DBMS, I can see the row of the new child including
>>> all fields. The child is correctly linked with the parent.
>>> But when running the listing again:
>>> parent = em.find(ParentEntity.class, 1000).getSingleResult();
>>> parent.getChildren();
>>> Then still I do not see the new child. To make it appear, I must
>>> undeploy and deploy. That is very weird, since it can be seen in the
>>> database table, and I have set both sides of the relationship as you
>>> can see in the code snippet.
>>> Looks like a cache problem, but I just do not understand how to
>>> solve it.
>>> Has anybody an idea what the cause is and how to get rid of it?
>>> Thanks a lot! :-)
>>> Markus
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