Tom, Gordon,
Is this functionality in?
Which exactly section still says that it's out of the scope?
-------- Original Message --------
Is there any way to accomplish pessimistic locking in 3.0 persistence?
The spec says such work in out of scope of the spec, but then in the
discussion of the lock manager, it says if I call lock(entity,
LockModeType.READ) that is will give me repeatable-read semantics (which
is what I want) and generally do so by acquiring a lock on the
underlying database row (which to my mind is pessimistic locking).
But I've tried calling the lock() method, and it seems to have no
effect. Specifically, I'd like to have pessimistic locking on an
inventory object, which is a one-to-one relationship to an assembly, so
I do this:
Assembly a = em.find(Assembly.class, pk);
Inventory i = a.getInventory();
em.lock(i, LockModeType.READ);
The lock call doesn't issue any calls at all to the database (so no row
lock); maybe the VM cache is just supposed to lock it and isn't. Or
maybe I just have it wrong.
The standard optimistic locking works, but I'm afraid there will be too
many OptimisticConcurrencyExceptions in the app that way.