Hi Marina,
Hopefully this is a bit of a stupid question.
What is the "-35" for in the TopLink version? Does that relate to the
build number? If so, why are we tying a build number to the TopLink jar
in this way?
Marina Vatkina wrote:
>I made the following changes to create jars with a new version:
>1. Changed version of the persistence-api related files to 1.0b in persistence-api:
>Index: build.properties
>RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/persistence-api/build.properties,v
>retrieving revision 1.4
>diff -r1.4 build.properties
>< release.version=1.0
> > release.version=1.0b
>2. Changed version of the toplink related files to 2.0-35 and the dependency on
>the p-api to 1.0b in entity-persistence:
>Index: build.properties
>RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/entity-persistence/build.properties,v
>retrieving revision 1.2
>diff -r1.2 build.properties
>< release.version=1.0
> > release.version=2.0-35
>Index: toplink-essentials.pom
>RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/entity-persistence/toplink-essentials.pom,v
>retrieving revision 1.1
>diff -r1.1 toplink-essentials.pom
>< <version>1.0</version>
> > <version>1.0b</version>
>I tested by creating the files without pushing them to the repository. Their
>names look correct: