Hi Marina,
I was suggesting deploying the statically weaved jar as a way of
tracking down the issue. We seem to have discovered the problem is much
more fundamental than that, so hopefully it will not be necessary.
Marina Vatkina wrote:
>Tom, Alexey,
>Why does anybody need to deploy a statically weaved jar?
> Are you deploying a jar with only PU classes or is it a Java EE module that
>contains a PU in addition to the Java EE components (like an EJB or a Web
>Tom Ware wrote:
>>Hi Alexey,
>> I am moving this discussion to the persistence mailing list because I
>>think some of the other folks on the list are more likely than me to be
>>able to help with the packaging issue you are seeing. Are you
>>subscribed to that list?
>> When I ran your original jar through the static weaver, I saw the same
>>problem you were seeing. With my changes, I got the attached jar. As
>>you can see it is different. When I decompile City.class, I can see
>>constructs TopLink Essentials has added for static weaving. I run the
>>static weaver as follows on my windows machine:
>>java oracle.toplink.essentials.weaving.StaticWeave -loglevel FINEST
>>Issue1081.jar Issue1081Weaved.jar
>> If you with logging turned on (-loglevel FINEST) how much logging do
>>you get?
>>To The Sun folks,
>>Alexey is getting an exception in autodeployment with a jar generated by
>>our static weaver. The exception is below. Do you have any idea why
>>this might be happening.
>>AKostylev wrote:
>>>Hi, Tom.
>>>I've tried both ways that you'd described but the result is still the
>>>Generated by weaver classes have the same size and are still not working.
>>>It'll be great if you continue help me with this issue because I have
>>>no idea how to solve it.
>>>One more thing.
>>>As I said the size of weaved classes are the same, but the size of
>>>jar-archive is not the same!
>>>You can see it in those files that I sent to you.
>>>It is slightly bigger, so as I understand, weaver use some other
>>>method of packing.
>>>The problem is that Glassfish doesn't understand it!
>>>When I try to autodeploy that jar file (copy to domain1/autodeploy) I
>>>get an exception:
>>>8950-c0bb88c02f1e;|Could not expand entry META-INF\ into destination
>>>java.io.IOException: Error expanding archive
>>>utodeploy\Issue1081.jar; please see the server log file for more
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor24.invoke(Unknown Source)
>>> at
>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
>>> at
>>> at $Proxy1.invoke(Unknown Source)
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:512)
>>> at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
>>>Caused by: java.io.IOException
>>> at
>>> at
>>> ... 32 more
>>>Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>>>ications\j2ee-modules\Issue1081\META-INF (Системе не удается найти
>>>указанный пут
>>> at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
>>> at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
>>> at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:131)
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> ... 33 more
>>>But with original jar autodeploy is working.
>>>Thank you, Tom.
>>>With best wishes, Alexey Kostylev.
>>>>Hi Alexey,
>>>> Thanks for sending your files I found a usability issue with the
>>>>static weaver. I have entered a bug into the Glassfish system and try
>>>>to get it addressed fairly soon.
>>>> The reason you are seeing an issue is because you are using a
>>>>persistence unit configured to be deployed by a JPA container. A
>>>>configuration like that assumes that entity classes can be automatically
>>>>detected. The static weaver is currently not configured to
>>>>automatically detect the entity classes. It is configured to work with
>>>>someone who is deploying outside of a JPA container where classes cannot
>>>>be automatically detected.
>>>>There is a fairly simple workaround.
>>>>In your persistence.xml tell the JPA provider about the classes. There
>>>>are two ways you can do that:
>>>>1. Use the official JPA mechanism and list the classes with the <class>
>>>>tag in your persistence.xml before you static weave.
>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>><persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
>>>> <persistence-unit name="CRM" transaction-type="JTA">
>>>> <jta-data-source>jdbc/issue1081</jta-data-source>
>>>> <class>issue1081.City</class>
>>>> <class>issue1081.Region</class>
>>>> <properties>
>>>> <property name="hibernate.dialect"
>>>> </properties>
>>>> </persistence-unit>
>>>>2. Use a custom feature we have implemented and explicitly set the
>>>>persistence unit's <exclude-unlisted-classes> to false in your
>>>>persitence.xml before you static weave
>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>><persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
>>>> <persistence-unit name="CRM" transaction-type="JTA">
>>>> <jta-data-source>jdbc/issue1081</jta-data-source>
>>>> <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes>
>>>> <properties>
>>>> <property name="hibernate.dialect"
>>>> </properties>
>>>> </persistence-unit>
>>>>Hopefully this helps,
>>>>AKostylev wrote:
>>>>>Hello, Tom.
>>>>>That's a pity but it is not working.
>>>>>So here are results:
>>>>>The classes in generated weaved library are fully identical (by size)
>>>>>to original ones(why?).
>>>>>So including it both on server and client does nothing.
>>>>>I attach testcases that I have.
>>>>>So I ask you to check them and help me understand what is wrong.
>>>>>I'm using Glassfish V2 b32.
>>>>>Thank you.
>>>>>Best regards, Alexey Kostylev.
>>>>>>Hi Alexey,
>>>>>>I would expect static weaving to work in your case. I am surprised it
>>>>>>is not working for you.
>>>>>>Is it possible to try including the statically weaved classes both on
>>>>>>your client and on the server?
>>>>>>AKostylev wrote:
>>>>>>>Hello, Tom.
>>>>>>>I've tried to use static weaving.
>>>>>>>Weaving process was without any exceptions, it had generated a new
>>>>>>>library (I can send it to you but it is about 300kb).
>>>>>>>I added this generated Jar to classpath of my client instead of the
>>>>>>>original jar.
>>>>>>>I still got the same exception:
>>>>>>>java.io.IOException: Mismatched serialization UIDs : Source (Rep.
>>>>>>>= FD3D67035A19FE83 whereas Target (Rep. ID
>>>>>>>= 9A44D4AC8682F140
>>>>>>>So let me describe my environment one more time:
>>>>>>>I use Persistent Entities on the side of GLassfish.
>>>>>>>I use JUnit TestCases as client outside of container.
>>>>>>>Client accesses entities through Session Bean as facade pattern.
>>>>>>>So when I try to get entity with lazy relationship through session
>>>>>>>bean I get such an exception.
>>>>>>>So should static weaving help me? If yes why I get the same error?
>>>>>>>Thank you a lot, Tom.
>>>>>>>>Hi Alexey,
>>>>>>>>This issue is not currently scheduled.
>>>>>>>>I have, however, updated the bug report with a set of steps you
>>>>>>>>be able to use to get around this issue. Hopefully they will help.
>>>>>>>>AKostylev wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Hello, Tware and Marina.
>>>>>>>>>Could you please tell when work will start on issue 1081
>>>>>>>>>( https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1081)?
>>>>>>>< https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1081%29? >
>>>>>>>>>< https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1081%29? >
>>>>>>>>>It is very important for me.
>>>>>>>>>Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>Best regards, Alexey Kostylev.
>>>>>>>>>< mailto:akostylev_at_kazan.amfitel.ru >
>>>>>>>Best regards, Alexey Kostylev.
>>>С уважением, Алексей Костылев.
>>>Костылев Алексей Константинович
>>>Руководитель направления Java-разработки
>>>akostylev_at_kazan.amfitel.ru <mailto:akostylev_at_kazan.amfitel.ru>