- [Fwd: M4 highlights Wiki page]
- [Issue 1081] Remote business method of Session Bean returning JPA entity with lazy field
- BETA branch for entity-persistence-tests module?
- Can you pass parameters to an Order By clause in NamedQuery?
- Cascade merge does not occur
- checked in fix for gf1771
- Code review for Issue 1777 createEMF fix incorrect: Should return null instead of throwing exception
- Code review for Issue 1910: JavaLogger is not used if there are multiple PUs in SE mode
- Code review for Issue 1911: Make entity-persistence module compilable in JDK 6
- entity-persistence and entity-persistence tests updated copyright dates
- entity-persistence-tests update
- entity-persistence-update
- fix for 1193
- Glassfish bug#1878
- How does TopLink know if an object is in the cache?
- How to configure logging for java.util.logging?
- How to tell Glassfish Persistence to use TYPE = InnoDB when creating MySQL tables?
- Implementing auditing of user information
- Interpreting TopLink SQL logging - is it really executing this many queries?
- Is it possible to Traverse relationships with FETCH JOIN?
- Is there any TopLink Essentials design or architecture documents?
- Is this pattern safe to use in a web app?
- Issue 1081
- Issue 2084: Generated SQL uses wrong alias for orderby clause
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST.
- JPA packaging
- JPQL: FindBugs: Self assignment of field in oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.parsing.ParseTreeContext
- Lazy load of collection works even after EntityManager is closed?
- Netbeans 5.5 Persistance issue with MySQL
- OK to use java.util.List for collections?
- Persistent problem
- Pluggable arcive factory
- PrePersist method not being called
- Single persistence unit spread over multiple files
- Some tests in JUnitEJBQLDateTimeTestSuite failed on Oracle
- SQLAnywherePlatform Status Update
- TopLink equivalent to Hibernate delete-orphan cascade type
- toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode database not working?
- Transaction bug?
- Uni-directional OneToMany entity mapping
- urgent help needed
- Using binary operators with Timestamp fields in EJBQL
- Using EntityManager.merge to create new persistent entities?
- What criteria does TopLink use to 'cache' entities to avoiding re-executing SQL to find an object?
- Why does EntityManager.merge() return a reference and persist() doesn't?