Hi all,
The following link states that you can configure TopLink to use
java.util.logging logging. I put the following line in my persistence.xml,
but, I don't see a difference.
<property name="toplink.logging.logger" value="JavaLogger"/>
And then modified my logging.properties file like the following. I also
tried just, oracle.toplink.essentials.level.
oracle.toplink.essentials.session.level = FINEST
Logging statements in my app that is using java.util.logging look like this,
[junit] Jan 3, 2007 5:26:04 PM
edu.uchicago.at.reservations.ReservationsService saveItem
[junit] FINE: entered
whereas the TopLink ones are in a different format.
[junit] [TopLink Config]: 2007.01.03
[junit] User: dbo
[junit] Database: Microsoft SQL Server Version: 9.0.2047
[junit] Driver: i-net OPTA 2000 Version: 4.15.01
Not a big deal, but, I was thinking it might be nice to just use
java.util.logging for everything. Has anyone else got this to work?