Code review for Issue 1910: JavaLogger is not used if there are multiple PUs in SE mode

From: Wonseok Kim <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 16:52:02 +0900

Hi Marina, Tom

Please see the following issue and the fix below.

In EntityManagerSetupImpl.updateLoggers(), the first PU update both
AbstractSessionLog's and Session's logger with JavaLogger correctly, but the
second PU incorrectly determines current logger is JavaLogger (because
AbstractSessionLog's logger is updated in the first PU), so doesn't update
its Session's logger and DefaultLogger is used.

This is because determining current logger is done with AbstractSessionLog's
current logger. I fixed this to use Session's logger as below diff(Also I
moved the line of getting current logger to the nearest line using it since
no other code refer to it). The singleton logger - AbstractSessionLog - is
very confusing and not adapted well in multiple PUs as well as in EE mode,
so I think it should be avoided or removed in the future as Marina said

I confirmed that JavaLogger is used correctly for both PUs with the test

Please review...Thanks!

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -c -w -r1.48
 4 Jan 2007 14:30:43 -0000 1.48
 5 Jan 2007 07:20:38 -0000
*** 347,353 ****
       * @param sessionNameChanged the boolean that denotes a
sessionNameChanged change in the session.
      protected void updateLoggers(Map m, boolean serverPlatformChanged,
boolean sessionNameChanged) {
-         SessionLog currentLog = AbstractSessionLog.getLog();
          // Logger(SessionLog type) can be specified by the logger property
or ServerPlatform.getServerLog().
          // The logger property has a higher priority to
          String loggerClassName =
m, session);
--- 347,352 ----
*** 356,361 ****
--- 355,361 ----
          // different state.
          SessionLog singletonLog = null, sessionLog = null;
          if (loggerClassName != null) {
+             SessionLog currentLog = session.getSessionLog();
              if (!currentLog.getClass().getName().equals(loggerClassName))
                  // Logger class was specified and it's not what's already
                  Class sessionLogClass =
findClassForProperty(loggerClassName, TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_LOGGER);