Hi Tom,
today I noticed an oversight in my previous change to check the GROUP BY
clause of an EJBQL query. It needs to allow a constructor expression in
the SELECT clause of a GROUP BY query. Please have a look at the
attached changes. The important ones are in GroupByNode, ConstructorNode
and EJBQLExceptionResource.
Regards Michael
> H Tom,
> attached you find my changes to validate the SELECT clause in case of a
> GROUP BY query. This makes sure that a GROUP BY query only returns
> grouping items or aggregates. The corresponding glassfish issue is:
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=166
> Please note, the change also includes checking the HAVING expression.
> I needed to redefine the getAsString method in a couple of parser tree
> nodes in order to give a better error message and might need to do the
> same change for more nodes. But this can be added later.
> Thanks!
> Regards Michael