- 2 ejb dev tests failing
- [Fwd: [IN 87104] entity-persistence PLANNED Close open JarFile and do not open the same stream twice]
- [Fwd: Issue 257]
- [Fwd: Question about EJBQL HAVING clause requirements]
- [Issue 269] _at_Enumerated does not work well with ejb-ql
- access type of Embeddable types
- Add support for enum literals to EJBQL
- Both fields and properties?
- can map be null in createContainerEntityManagerFactory?
- changes post-beta]
- Clarify precedence of information supplied in map parameter to createContainerEntityManagerFactory
- Code fix for Issue 267 : DiscriminatorValue is not defined
- Code review for completion of issue 158
- code review for Issue 214 and 273
- EJB QL reserved identifiers
- EJBQL: add support for grouping by identification variable
- EJBQL: check SELECT clause requirements for GROUP BY query
- EJBQL: support for fields with a name of a reserved identifier
- enable unique constraints creation for java2db
- entity-persistence check-in
- entity-persistence functionality update
- entity-persistence INTEGRATED Resolving bug : 300 no write on txn commit
- entity-persistence INTEGRATED Resolving bug : 300 no write on txn commit - updates
- entity-persistence testing fix
- entity-persistence update
- entity-persistence-tests are broken
- entity-persistence-tests update
- Error on first run of entity-persistence-tests on a clean oracle database, but next run suceeds
- findbugs and javax.persistence.Persistence
- Fixing issue 228
- Foreign key as part of compound key and one-to-many relationship
- forum question
- Issue 279
- Issue with EXISTS subquery on derby (glassfish issue 148)
- Java2DB error message
- persistence property names
- persistence.xml in Java SE environment
- PLANNED Resolving bug : 300 no write on txn commit
- Please answer forum question about query
- reference to java.beans.Introspector
- REquest for review of code changes
- Result of a native query with SqlResultSetMapping
- single access type for entire hierarchy?
- Solved - my fault - Foreign key as part of compound key and one-to-many relationship
- The entity class must be a top-level class.
- Undo a change made to DerbyPlatform
- Urgent: "Can not PERSIST detatched object" exception
- version attribute missing in persistence_1_0.xsd
- what Java type to use for derby DATE?
- what Java type to use for derby DATE? - never mind
- Last message date: Tue Feb 14 15:37:57 2006
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:59:06 2017 PDT