Hello Ian,
You haven't set the full pk for the LineItem. In RequestBean.addLineItem(),
you have:
LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(order, quantity, part.getVendorPart());
public LineItem(Order order, int quantity, VendorPart vendorPart) {
this.order = order;
this.orderId = order.getOrderId();
this.quantity = quantity;
this.vendorPart = vendorPart;
But you have a composite PK of orderId and itemId. So the second time you
try to call this method with the same Order object, you get a second
LineItem with the same pk (orderId=x, itemId=null) as the first LineItem - a
detached entity.
Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Evans" <Ian.Evans_at_Sun.COM>
To: <persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:26 PM
Subject: Urgent: "Can not PERSIST detatched object" exception
> I'm working on the Persistence examples for the Java EE 5 Tutorial, and
> am running into an exception for which I can't find the cause. The
> example is a port of the 1.4 cmporder example.
> I'm getting a "Can not PERSIST detatched object" exception when adding a
> LineItem to an Order. It happens when I attempt to add a second LineItem
> to an Order.
> The example is for AppServer 9 PE beta (build b32g), so that's what I'm
> running the app on. The beta is next week, so any help is greatly
> appreciated.
> I've attached a tar.gz file containing the source, with the necessary
> build files. To build the example:
> 1. Set javaee.home in common/build.properties.
> 2. Set the admin password in common/admin-password.txt.
> 3. Create the tables in Derby by running:
> % cd ejb/order
> % ant create-db_common
> The SQL source is in common/sql/derby/tutorial.sql.
> 4. Run the 'all' target to build, package, and deploy the app.
> % ant all
> I've also attached the EAR.
> The exception is thrown when the lineItem is added to order in
> order.request.RequestBean.addLineItem().
> -i
> --
> Ian Evans
> ian dot evans at sun dot com
> Java Enterprise Edition technical documentation