Re: REquest for review of code changes

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 15:40:40 -0500

Hi Pramod,

  Some comments and questions.

1. Was your oracle testing run on a clean db? It will take a clean DB
to guarantee the Oracle Sequencing changes you made work.

2. Has the SequenceGenerator in persistence-api been changed so the
initial value complies with the new value in spec.? This will have to
occur before these changes can be checked in.

3. I will have to run a larger set of tests on the change to
OraclePlatform. I will do that and get back to you.


Pramod Gopinath wrote:

>Hi Tom
> Could you take a look at the code changes that I am sending as part of
>this email. The issues that are being addressed as part of these changes
>1. Issue 98: DDL generation should not generate NUMBER sql type for a
>float Java type.
>Files affected :
>2. Issue 104: Wrong column type defined for Long using java2db in Derby.
>Files affected :
>3. Additionally changed the PostgreSQLPlatform too to ensure that the
>Long and Number fields are created with the correct datatypes.
>Files affected :
>4. Based on your previous email, as the spec has been changed to ensure
>that the initialValue of a sequence is 1, ensured that changes are made
>to the code to reflect this.
>Files affected :
>Have also attached the cvs diff messages for these files. I have run
>entity-persistence-tests against Oracle for these changes. Additionally
>have run the "datatypes" test case that has been attached to the issue
>report against Oracle , Derby and PostgreSQL.

Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598