Re: EJBQL aggregates return type

From: Michael Bouschen <>
Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 16:53:33 +0100

Hi Tom,

cc'ing ejb3-toplink-ext because I still have problems with the
persistence mailing list.

Thanks for the info, I was able to get the attribute type from the
mapping and calculate the return type for the SUM aggregate. Attached
you find my changes for code review. Please have a look. If you agree, I
check in the fix tomorrow and set the corresponding issue to resolved:

Two remarks:
(1) I added two addSum methods to ReportQuery taking a result type argument.
(2) When adding DISTINCT to the aggregate argument (e.g. SELECT
SUM(DISTINCT o.totalPrice) FROM ...) the query returned BigDecimal
instated of DOUBLE. I fixed this in class FunctionExpression, please
have a look at line 480/481.

Regards Michael

> Hi Michael,
> Comment inline.
> Michael Bouschen wrote:
>> Hi Tom, hi Gordon,
>> attached you find changes that make use of addCount and addAverage
>> taking a result type argument. It also fixes a bug that the
>> generateExpression method in AggregateNode and CountNode does not add
>> the aggregate function to the returned expression.
>> With these changes the query "SELECT COUNT(o.orderId) FROM Order o"
>> returns the expected Long instance. It still returns a BigDecimal for
>> the following queries:
>> SELECT COUNT(o.customer) FROM Order o
>> The SQL for these queries uses a COUNT(*):
>> WHERE (t0.CUST_ID = t1.CUST_ID)
>> But the SQL for the EJBQL query accessing a state field in the COUNT
>> expression is: "SELECT COUNT(ORDER_ID) FROM ...". Maybe this makes a
>> difference for the return type.
> It looks like we have a bug in the report query code here. I'll add it
> to our bug list.
>> I tried another experiment using the following EJBQL:
>> SELECT COUNT(o), COUNT(c) FROM Customer c JOIN c.orders o
>> The generated SQL uses two COUNT(*) in the SELECT clause:
>> WHERE (t0.CUST_ID = t1.CUST_ID)
>> I'm really not sure what the correct SQL should look like. I thought
>> we could do a COUNT on the primary key columns instead of the
>> COUNT(*), but this would not work in case of multiple primary key
>> columns.
> That's a really good test case. I think counting the primary key columns
> should be fine. For multiple primary key columns we can just pick one
> of them (since they are primary keys, none of them will be null).
>> I checked the spec about the return type of a SUM aggregate:
>> "SUM returns Long when applied to state-fields of integral types
>> (other than BigInteger); Double when applied to state-fields of
>> floating point types; BigInteger when applied to state-fields of type
>> BigInteger; and BigDecimal when applied to state-fields of type
>> BigDecimal."
>> We could add a similar API addSum taking a return type to the
>> ReportQuery, but then the AggregateNode need to checks the type of the
>> aggregate argument being an integral type, etc. Does an Expression
>> instance provide any type information I can check?
> We can easily add the method that includes type for SUM in report
> query. To get the type, you will have to look at the session stored in
> the GenerationContext. That session has a project with a table of
> descriptors. Those descriptors have the mappings. You can look up the
> mapping for an attribute. The 'attribute' classification on each
> mapping holds the type. There is likely more information you need to
> get this going, so let me know what you need me to do some leg work on
> and I will do it.
> -Tom
>> Regards Michael