entity-persistence update - about to check in

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 17:15:44 -0400

The majority of this update is a complete refactor of the XML and
Annotations processing

framework. It is broken up into several transactions. Details are
listed below with a transaction identifier that can be matched with the
attached diff file.

ORM Refactoring
- gpelleti_ri_metadataprocessingfixes_060627 Fixes a class cast exception.
- gpelleti_ri_ormfixes_060627 Fixes some sequencing metadata processing
- gpelleti_ri_metadataprocessingfixes_060626 Fix for embeddable
superclasses that are defined in a seperate XML file from where the
entities that subclass them are defined.
- gpelleti_ri_xmlannotationinhertiancemixfix_060624 OR metadata
processing re-work. Fix for mixing inheritance entity definitions in
annotations and xml.
- gpelleti_ri_ormfixes_060621 OR metadata processing re-work.

Oracle bug 5170395
- ailitche_ri_5170395_060621 Fixed Oracle bug 5170395 - Sequencing
exception when running for the first time on a new schema