I have a rather peculiar problem that I'm failing to solve.. Or even debug any further.
I have a maven build that creates an ear which is deployed to Glassfish ESB v2.2. My problem is, that if I make changes to persistence.xml eclipselink.ddl-generation (let's say I change the value from create-tables to drop-and-create-tables) I need to deploy the ear twice in order for the changes to take effect (for the tables to be actually dropped).
maven 3.0.2
java 1.6.0_24
Glassfish ESB v2.2
Eclipselink 2.1.2
All though I'm not sure if the information above is relevant or not because if I recall right, we had similar problems with the same project back in the day when it was still an ant build and the persistence framework used was toplink.
I'm not exactly sure what kind of information I should attach to this question since I have absolutely no clue what might be causing this..
Any ideas will be much appreciated.
Jouni Latvatalo