Hi Tom,
> Hi Michael,
> The changes look good.
> Are you adding a test to the entity persistence tests?
That makes sense, I will add a test tommorrow. Are you interested to
review the test before I check in?
Regards Michael
> -Tom
> Michael Bouschen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> sorry, I forgot the attachemnt.
>> Regards Michael
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> welcome back!
>>> attached you find my changes fixing the NPE in ReportQuery thrown
>>> for an EJB QL query using an aggregate function as an argument of a
>>> constructor
>>> expression:
>>> SELECT NEW custom.CityCount(c.city, COUNT(c)) FROM Customer c
>>> GROUP BY c.city
>>> In the parse tree node ConstructorNode I switch back to calling the
>>> ReportQuery method returnObjectsFromConstructor taking Class
>>> instances for the constructor arguments (instead of mappings). I
>>> understood that with your checkin from March 3 ("delayed ejbql query
>>> parsing till login") this should work for constructor expressions in
>>> named queries. Please have a look.
>>> The corresponding glassfish issue is:
>>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=310
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards Michael
Michael Bouschen Tech_at_Spree Engineering GmbH
mailto:mbo.tech@spree.de http://www.tech.spree.de/
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