What is the datatype of returned by getMovieID(). If it's a non primitive
(like a Long or Integer instead of the primitive long or integer) then the
comparison with == is an identity check, which won't work as expected.
Columns from the database, even though from the same row doesn't always have
the same identity, even though this would have been nice.
You need to use .equals() to check for equality.
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 1:15 PM, measwel <marek_karczewski_at_yahoo.com.au>wrote:
> LS,
> I am having trouble understanding how to synchronize my object model with
> the DB. I have a User entity that has a collection of Favorite entities.
> When I insert or delete a favorite in the DB (using JPA on the Favorite
> object), I would expect this change to be automatically reflected in the
> User's Favorite collection (this is mapped by a @oneToMany annotation) when
> I access the collection. Unfortunately, it seems JPA does not do this; I
> have to update the collection by hand.
> So I do. I add or remove the Favorite from the collection. In subsequent
> code, I read from the User's Favorites collection in order to detect adding
> a duplicate Favorite. A new Favorite has a MovieID property and if any
> Favorite in the collection has the same MovieID, then the new favorite
> should not be added in order to prevent duplicates.
> Now the trouble starts. If I do the MovieID comparison shortly after
> updating the collection or shortly after starting the webbapplication, it
> goes okay. But, if some time passes between updating the collection (adding
> / removing a favorite) and comparing a new favorite's MovieID to the ones
> in
> the collection, the comparison fails. It fails even though I can trace in
> debug mode, that a favorite with the same MovieID is in the User's
> favorites
> collection! And it returns the ID correctly. The code is:
> public boolean movieIsFavorite(Wuser user, Movie movie) {
> // Iterator it = jpaController.findByUser(maxResults, firstResult,
> user).iterator();
> Iterator it = user.getFavorites().listIterator();
> while (it.hasNext()) {
> Favorite uf = (Favorite) it.next();
> if (uf.getMovie().getMovieID() == movie.getMovieID()) {
> return true;
> }
> }
> return false;
> }
> In the commented out line, I want to read directly from the DB by using the
> Favorite's JPA controller and filtering on the current user. This should go
> well (have not tried it yet), but why does it fail when I use the user's
> favorites collection?
> So the comparison returns false, even though a favorite with the same
> movieID is in the collection. On the subsequent page I show the user's
> favorites - again reading from the collection, not via the favorite's JPA
> controller - and this produces the following error:
> javax.el.ELException: Exception [EclipseLink-6004] (Eclipse Persistence
> Services - 1.0.1 (Build 20080905)):
> org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException
> Exception Description: The object [jpa.entities.Movie[movieID=1007056]], of
> class [class jpa.entities.Movie], with identity hashcode
> (System.identityHashCode()) [6 117 163],
> is not from this UnitOfWork object space, but the parent session's. The
> object was never registered in this UnitOfWork,
> but read from the parent session and related to an object registered in the
> UnitOfWork. Ensure that you are correctly
> registering your objects. If you are still having problems, you can use
> the
> UnitOfWork.validateObjectSpace() method to
> help debug where the error occurred. For more information, see the manual
> or FAQ.
> Could somebody please tell me what the heck is going on? How can I make
> sure
> my model and the DB stay synchronized and how can I make sure, that the
> objects I access in memory have valid data structures that behave normally,
> like you would expect them too?
> Or do I always need to make a roundtrip to the DB if accessing a persisted
> object's data? That can not be the point of a persistence architecture, can
> it?
> Thank You all in advance for the help,
> Marek
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/JPA-error-tp25092854p25092854.html
> Sent from the java.net - glassfish persistence mailing list archive at
> Nabble.com.
Quintin Beukes