You need to mark Bar as an entity as well.
jeff wrote:
> see exception below. i tried following the example from 35 in the spec.
> i have the @InheritanceStrategy annotation in the abstract class, and
> the @DiscriminatorValue annotation in all subclasses.
> it's a little unclear to me which of the annotations are required, and
> which i can leave off an have it pick some reasonable defaults. the spec
> is a little lean in this section.
> thanks!
> javax.persistence.EntityExistsException:
> Exception Description: This class does not define a public default
> constructor, or the constructor raised an exception.
> Internal Exception: java.lang.InstantiationException
> Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.sun.portal.pom.PortletEntity -->
> [DatabaseTable(PORTLETENTITY)])
> */Gordon Yorke <>/* wrote:
> You should be able to mark the abstract Foo class as being an
> Entity. Can you provide the exception that you are getting?
> --Gordon
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* jeff []
> *Sent:* Friday, March 09, 2007 3:55 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* abstract entity superclasses
> i have class Bar extends Foo. i want Foo to contain persistent
> fields inherited by Bar, but i also want Foo to be abstract.
> is this possible? if i leave the @Entity annotation, then i get
> an error telling me that the class cannot be instantiated
> (right, it's abstract). this sort of puzzles me though because i
> never try to create any instances of it.
> if i remove the entity annotation, i get an error at runtime
> from Bar saying it can't find the ID ... the ID field is defined
> in the abstract base class Foo.
> any ideas?
> thanks.
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