Re: Fixing issue #383

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 19:49:55 -0800

Hi Craig,

This is exactly why I sent this email - I don't know if there can be
a problem with solution b).


Craig L Russell wrote:
> Hi Marina,
> FWIW, I like to use pattern b if it's a one-shot issue (which this
> sounds like). There's no downside to creating a hashtable once. If you
> are constantly creating it and testing for an empty hashset, it's
> easier to have the hashset defined as null and avoid the construction.
> Craig
> On Mar 14, 2006, at 6:53 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> Tom,
>> The NPE is caused by the following code m_session.getProject
>> ().getAliasDescriptors().remove("");
>> When there are no entities in the PU, the alias descriptors
>> hashtable is null because it's never created.
>> There are 2 options to fix it:
>> a) change the line above to
>> Hashtable d = m_session.getProject().getAliasDescriptors();
>> if (d != null)
>> d.remove("");
>> b) Change the Project class to create aliasDescriptors in the
>> constructor.
>> If you don't see a problem with ether fix, I can make the change.
>> regards,
>> -marina
> Craig Russell
> Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
> 408 276-5638
> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!