Re: FCS build question

From: Michael Bouschen <Michael.Bouschen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 18:53:56 +0200

Hi Dinesh,

thanks for the feedback. Please find my comments below.

> Hi Michael, comments below.
> Michael Bouschen wrote:
>> Hi Dinesh,
>> thanks!
>> I still have problems with the FCS branch, but maybe I misunderstood
>> the process. I noticed the branch build instructions do not mention
>> 'maven bootstrap'. Does this mean 'maven bootstrap' is not supported
>> on the branch, such that I need to checkout all the source in order to
>> build?
>> I tried 'maven bootstrap' and it could not find the image to download
>> (see details below).
> I checked in the changes after testing yesterday, did you update
> glassfish/bootstrap module? since I updated
> glassfish/bootstrap/ to download SNAPSHOT image from
> new location:
> *${}*

Yes, I have updated my workspace. I tried it again and now it works.
There must have been a problem accessing the new location when I tried
it a couple of hours ago. Sorry for the confusion.


>> Another question:
>> it tries to find an image called glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar which
>> has the same name as the image downloaded by 'maven bootstrap' in the
>> trunk. Maven stores both images in the same local maven repository. So
>> the branch image would overwrite the trunk image, unless we are using
>> different groupids for branch and trunk. This implies I cannot have
>> both: a FCS workspace and a trunk workspace on the same machine.
> No that's not true, currently we have following locations for SNAPSHOT
> jar files.

These are the maven remote maven repositories and you are right we have
different locations for theses. But this is not what I meant. I am
talking about my *local* maven repository (property maven.repo.local).
Calling 'maven bootstrap' will update glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar in
~/.maven/repository/glassfish-image/jars on my computer. Both branch and
trunk use the same file under the same location.

Suppose I first call 'maven bootstrap' in my FCS workspace. This
downloads the image and unzips it. Then I change to my trunk workspace
and call 'maven bootstrap there. Now, this should download the "trunk"
version of the image. But since maven finds a current version in the
maven local repository, it takes this one and unzips the wrong version.
I think maven is doing fine here. The issue is that we give two
different images the same name in the maven dependencies.

Regards Michael

> I updated both the branches, so you update or get the new workspace and
> try this, as on existing ones it may not have latest changes.
> thanks
> Dinesh
>> Here is the output from calling 'maven bootstrap' on the branch:
>> % maven -b bootstrap
>> Starting the reactor...
>> Our processing order:
>> glassfish
>> +----------------------------------------
>> | Downloading SNAPSHOT jar files now glassfish
>> | Memory: 3M/4M
>> +----------------------------------------
>> Attempting to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.
>> WARNING: Failed to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.
>> File...... d:\sjsas9\FCS\glassfish\bootstrap\maven.xml
>> Element... maven:reactor
>> Line...... 50
>> Column.... 40
>> The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied
>> dependency:
>> glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> Regads Michael
>>> I just integrated this change, so just follow the instructions
>>> <> to
>>> checkout glassfish/bootstrap module from SJSAS90_FCS_BRANCH and
>>> bootstrap will download FCS snapshot image from
>>> location now.
>>> thanks
>>> Dinesh
>>> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>>> Michael, yes we have plan to do this.. Looks like staging is done
>>>> now, will test it and update the workspace for FCS branch today.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Dinesh
>>>> Michael Bouschen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dinesh,
>>>>> calling 'maven bootstrap' in a SJSAS90_FCS_BRANCH bootstrap
>>>>> directory downloads the glassfish SNAPSHOT image:
>>>>> Attempting to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.
>>>>> Are there any plans to change the dependency in the FCS branch to
>>>>> refer to a FCS build instead of the SNAPSHOT?
>>>>> Regards Michael
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