Re: [Issue 1081] Remote business method of Session Bean returning JPA entity with lazy field

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 15:36:53 -0800

Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
> Craig L Russell wrote:
>>>> /Shouldn't a JBoss appclient be allowed to call an EJB deployed in
>>>> GlassFish without having to require GlassFish classes in JBoss
>>>> client container?
>>>> /
>> No. As I understand it, an appclient is not required to interoperate
>> with another server implementation.
> Is this true? Can any one confirm? If an appclient uses RMI/IIOP, why
> should it not be able to interoperate with other servers that support
> the same protocol? I find the following in section #6.3 of the Java EE
> platform spec:
> /All containers that support EJB clients must be capable of using the
> EJB interoperability protocol to invoke enterprise beans. All EJB
> containers must support the invocation of enterprise beans using the EJB
> interoperability protocol./

Yes, that interoperability is required.

What's at issue here is which features of Java Persistence you can use
and still be ensured of that interoperability.

The current spec allows the implementation to perform "magic" in certain
cases, without specifying a way to implement that magic that preserves