It looks like parameter binding is working. The "bind => ['Tank00000001']"
string in your logging output gives that impression.
If you execute the same query in your DB query, does it work? (i.e. use
'Tank00000001' in your DB query rather than 'Tank00000000'.
If that does not help, it would be a good idea to increase the logging level
to FINEST and take a look at the logging information when your session logs in
to ensure you are logging into the database as you expect.
yonestar wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't seem to get parameter binding to work! Does it need to be enabled?
> I am using Glassfish, Toplink, NetBeans, and Derby -- the standard NetBeans
> package.
> StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM container WHERE contid =
> ?1 AND ...... ");
> em.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), Container.class).setParameter(1,
> "'"+contid+"'").getResultList();
> <property name="toplink.bind-all-parameters" value="true"/>
> <property name="toplink.jbdc.bind-parameters" value="true"/>
> SELECT * FROM container WHERE contid = ? AND siteid = 'YoniCntr' AND
> subcontid > 0 ORDER BY subcontid ASC
> bind => ['Tank00000001']
> And I get no results!
> I have written the exact same query without parameter binding, which gets
> executed like
> SELECT * FROM container WHERE contid = 'Tank00000000' AND siteid =
> 'YoniCntr' AND subcontid > 0 ORDER BY subcontid ASC
> And results do return!
> Please advise, many thanks!