Hi Mike,
> Hi Michael,
> 1) I never felt the need for HAVING clauses to support aggregates,
> but the case that you brought up seems reasonable. We'll look
> into it and see what the issues with supporting it are. Perhaps
> we can talk about it offline on Monday.
AFAIK, support for aggregates in the HAVING clause is standard SQL, so I
would not expect any issues.
> 2) I have always considered the HAVING to be part of a GROUP BY.
> I think the grammar should disallow the case where it is not.
From my perspective support for HAVING w/o GROUP BY does not add much
value, so I agree that the grammar should disallow it.
> We will check with the group on both of these issues.
Regards Michael
> Thanks,
> -Mike
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Michael Bouschen [mailto:Michael.Bouschen_at_Sun.COM]
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:45 AM
>>To: Linda DeMichiel; Mike Keith
>>Cc: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>Subject: Question about EJBQL HAVING clause
>>Hi Linda, hi Mike,
>>I have two questions about the HAVING clause in EJBQL.
>>(1) Aggregates in HAVING clause
>>I read the current EJBQL BNF that is does not allow aggregates in the
>>HAVING clause. I'm wondering whether this is on purpose, because the
>>following query would not be valid:
>> SELECT c.country, COUNT(c) FROM Customer c
>> GROUP by c.country HAVING COUNT(c.country) > 3
>>The BNF for the HAVING clause is (see section 4.7 GROUP BY, HAVING on
>>page 79 and the BNF on page 92):
>> having_clause ::= HAVING conditional_expression
>>Only select_expression, simple_select_expression and constructor_item
>>allow aggregates and none of them is reachable from
>>(2) HAVING clause w/o GROUP BY clause
>>The spec explicitly allows a HAVING query w/o GROUP BY. Are there any
>>SELECT clause restrictions in this case?
>>I have the feeling that there are issues with mapping such queries to
>>SQL. I tried to run SQL HAVING queries w/o GROUP BY on Oracle
>>and Derby,
>>but did not have success. Oracle returns an error message "ORA-00979:
>>not a GROUP BY expression". MySql seems to accept HAVING w/o GROUP BY,
>>but only if the SELECT clause only uses columns from the
>>HAVING clause.
>>Regards Michael