EAR scope persistence jar and classpath

From: Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo <Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 17:44:31 +0530

Hi Mike,
Referring to the latest packaging proposal (10/19), I see the following
is mentioned in section #6.2.
"All persistence classes defined at the level of the Java EE EAR must be
accessible to all other Java EE
components in the application— i.e. loaded by the application
classloader— such that if the same entity
class is referenced by two different Java EE components (which may be
using different persistence
units), the referenced class is the same identical class."

Is container responsible for making the EAR scoped persistence jars
available to all other components in the EAR even if user has not
explicitly specified a dependency on those jar files using Class-Path
manifest in individual component's manifest file? This indirectly means
they are treated as library jar files even though they are not placed in
library directory of EAR file.
