SV: Re: SV: RE: SV: _at_OneToMany problem

From: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 17:42:09 +0200

Hi Marina

The relationship is set here:

> DistMob distMob = new DistMob(distributorFK, mobilePhone1,
> DistMob.Status.UNBLOCKED);
> em.persist(distMob);

Mobile phones can be associated with many DistMobs (which is a many-many relationship between Distributors and Mobile phones)

I will try it on Glassfish2 soon if there are not any who have triede this behaviour before ... it is very strange. Thought it maybe just was me doing something silly wrong.

Kind regards
/ Kasper

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM]
Sendt: 11. juli 2007 00:14
Emne: Re: SV: RE: SV: @OneToMany problem

Hi Kasper,

I don't see any relationships being set in your code when you create new
instances. Or are they set (on both sides) somewhere else?

-marina wrote:
> Hi
> I have now found a pattern in this strange behaviour and it is probably
> wrong usage of the JPA.
> I have found out that I do not have to redeploy my ear file to recreate
> my problem. If I restart the server and executes the following client
> code ... everything works fine:
> private static void testOneToMany() {
> final AuServices auServices;
> try {
> final InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
> auServices = (AuServices)
> ctx.lookup(AuServices.class.getName());
> // Test that IMEI number 356828001349104 is not blocked
> try {
> if (auServices.isBlocked("356828001349104")) {
> throw new RuntimeException();
> } else {
> System.out.println("isBlocked IMEI number
> 356828001349104 is not blocked succed!");
> }
> } catch (NoPhoneException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> } catch (NamingException e) {
> e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement
> use File | Settings | File Templates.
> }
> }
> If I execute the following code ... the application breaks ... but without
> any errors in the log file.
> private static void testOneToMany() {
> final AuServices auServices;
> final AucoreTest aucoreTest;
> try {
> final InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
> auServices = (AuServices)
> ctx.lookup(AuServices.class.getName());
> aucoreTest = (AucoreTest)
> ctx.lookup(AucoreTest.class.getName());
> // First delete data
> aucoreTest.deleteTestData();
> // Create standard test data
> aucoreTest.createTestData();
> // Test that IMEI number 356828001349104 is not blocked
> try {
> if (auServices.isBlocked("356828001349104")) {
> throw new RuntimeException();
> } else {
> System.out.println("isBlocked IMEI number
> 356828001349104 is not blocked succed!");
> }
> } catch (NoPhoneException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> } catch (NamingException e) {
> e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement
> use File | Settings | File Templates.
> }
> }
> The only difference here is that I first delete my test data and
> thereafter recreate it with two different methods on a stateless session
> bean.
> The code is shown below:
> public void createTestData() {
> // First create an address
> final Stairway stairway = new Stairway("101", "95", "XXX", "27",
> "E", "9999", "9999", Stairway.Status.LOCKED);
> em.persist(stairway);
> // Then create a door unit
> final DoorUnit doorUnit1 = new DoorUnit(stairway, "XXX",
> "1230989648B8", "123BA0992A2B2CF51C17404F125B827D");
> em.persist(doorUnit1);
> final DoorUnit doorUnit2 = new DoorUnit(stairway, "XXX",
> "1230989648A4", "123350F9EAAB2CF51C17404F125B827D");
> em.persist(doorUnit2);
> // Create a distributor
> final Distributor distributorFK = new Distributor("FK", "XXXXXXX
> a/s");
> em.persist(distributorFK);
> final Distributor distributorBK = new Distributor("BK", "XXXXXXX
> a/s");
> em.persist(distributorBK);
> // Create a Mobile phone
> final MobilePhone mobilePhone1 = new MobilePhone("+46",
> "999999999", "356828001349104", MobilePhone.StatusIMEI.LOCKED,
> MobilePhone.StatusBlocked.NONEWBLOCKED);
> em.persist(mobilePhone1);
> final MobilePhone mobilePhone2 = new MobilePhone("+46",
> "999999999", "354007001514932", MobilePhone.StatusIMEI.LOCKED,
> MobilePhone.StatusBlocked.NONEWBLOCKED);
> em.persist(mobilePhone2);
> final MobilePhone mobilePhoneFK = new MobilePhone("+45",
> "99999999", null, MobilePhone.StatusIMEI.UNLOCKED,
> MobilePhone.StatusBlocked.NONEWBLOCKED);
> em.persist(mobilePhoneFK);
> // DistMob relation
> DistMob distMob = new DistMob(distributorFK, mobilePhone1,
> DistMob.Status.UNBLOCKED);
> em.persist(distMob);
> distMob = new DistMob(distributorBK, mobilePhone1,
> DistMob.Status.UNBLOCKED);
> em.persist(distMob);
> distMob = new DistMob(distributorFK, mobilePhone2,
> DistMob.Status.UNBLOCKED);
> em.persist(distMob);
> distMob = new DistMob(distributorBK, mobilePhone2,
> DistMob.Status.UNBLOCKED);
> em.persist(distMob);
> // Finally the access entities
> // Valid
> Date startAccess;
> Date endAccess;
> try {
> startAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20070101000000");
> endAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20091231235959");
> } catch (ParseException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> Access access = new Access(doorUnit1, distributorFK,
> mobilePhone1, startAccess, endAccess);
> em.persist(access);
> try {
> startAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20070101000000");
> endAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20091231235959");
> } catch (ParseException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> access = new Access(doorUnit2, distributorBK, mobilePhone1,
> startAccess, endAccess);
> em.persist(access);
> try {
> startAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20070101000000");
> endAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20091231235959");
> } catch (ParseException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> access = new Access(doorUnit1, distributorBK, mobilePhone2,
> startAccess, endAccess);
> em.persist(access);
> try {
> startAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20070101000000");
> endAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20091231235959");
> } catch (ParseException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> access = new Access(doorUnit2, distributorBK, mobilePhone2,
> startAccess, endAccess);
> em.persist(access);
> // Expired
> try {
> startAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20070101000000");
> endAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20070627235959");
> } catch (ParseException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> access = new Access(doorUnit1, distributorFK, mobilePhone1,
> startAccess, endAccess);
> em.persist(access);
> // Not yet valid
> try {
> startAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20080101000000");
> endAccess = new
> SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").parse("20090627235959");
> } catch (ParseException e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
> }
> access = new Access(doorUnit1, distributorFK, mobilePhone1,
> startAccess, endAccess);
> em.persist(access);
> }
> public void deleteTestData() {
> deleteDataFromTable("Entry");
> deleteDataFromTable("Access");
> deleteDataFromTable("DistMob");
> deleteDataFromTable("MobilePhone");
> deleteDataFromTable("Distributor");
> deleteDataFromTable("DoorUnit");
> deleteDataFromTable("Stairway");
> }
> private void deleteDataFromTable(final String tableName) {
> final List objects = em.createQuery("SELECT t FROM " + tableName
> + " t").getResultList();
> for (Object object : objects) {
> em.remove(object);
> }
> }
> I can not figure out why this deletion and recreation breaks the server
> .... But if I restart the server and removes the deletion and recreation ...
> everything works fine.
> What is it that I have misunderstood?
> / Kasper
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Fra:* Eve Pokua []
> *Sendt:* 9. juli 2007 18:53
> *Til:*
> *Emne:* RE: SV: @OneToMany problem
> Could you also send some code of the client, it might be just a little
> mistake, if it is not error.
> eve
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 12:01:51 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: SV: @OneToMany problem
> Hello
> I have a problem using a @OneToMany relationship. I have to two classes
> (MobilePhone and DistMob) defined at the end: It is a bidirectional
> relationship where DistMob can have one MobilePhone and MobilePhone can
> have many DistMobs.
> My application deploys without any problem on glassfish 1 stable
> release. The problem first occurs at runtime. After first deployment
> everything works fine ... retrieving a MobilePhone with the follwing code
> executes normally and mobilePhone.getDistMobs() gives me the correct
> number of DistMobs being in the database.
> public boolean isBlocked(final String imeiNumber) throws NoPhoneException {
> if (imeiNumber == null || "".equals(imeiNumber.trim())) {
> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument null or empty!");
> }
> final MobilePhone mobilePhone =
> mobilePhoneFinder.findByImeiNumber(em, imeiNumber);
> boolean blocked = true;
> for (DistMob distMob : mobilePhone.getDistMobs()) {
> if (DistMob.Status.UNBLOCKED.equals(distMob.getStatus())) {
> blocked = false;
> break;
> }
> }
> return blocked;
> }
> My problem occurs when I redeploy my application ... at deploy time there
> is still no errors .... But at runtime will mobilePhone.getDistMobs()
> retrieve 0 elements. I am 100% sure that no one else is using my
> database and that it is same code which is deploy. I can not figure out
> what the problem might be.
> The behaviour changes some times ... but I can not find a pattern.
> package com.tietoenator.bekey.aucore.persistence;
> import javax.persistence.*;
> import java.util.List;
> /**
> * User: mollekas
> * Date: 2007-06-26
> * Time: 14:34:59
> */
> @Entity
> public class MobilePhone {
> @Id
> @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
> private String id;
> private String prefix;
> public void setPrefix(final String prefix) {
> this.prefix = prefix;
> }
> public String getPrefix() {
> return prefix;
> }
> private String number;
> private String imeiNumber;
> private String statusImei;
> private String statusBlocked;
> @OneToMany(mappedBy = "mobilePhone")
> private List<DistMob> distMobs;
> @OneToMany(mappedBy = "mobilePhone")
> private List<Access> accesses;
> public List<Access> getAccesses() {
> return accesses;
> }
> public List<DistMob> getDistMobs() {
> return distMobs;
> }
> public void setNumber(final String number) {
> this.number = number;
> }
> public void setImeiNumber(final String imeiNumber) {
> this.imeiNumber = imeiNumber;
> }
> public void setStatusImei(final StatusIMEI statusImeiIMEI) {
> this.statusImei = statusImeiIMEI.getCode();
> }
> public void setStatusBlocked(final StatusBlocked statusBlocked) {
> this.statusBlocked = statusBlocked.getCode();
> }
> public String getNumber() {
> return number;
> }
> public String getImeiNumber() {
> return imeiNumber;
> }
> public StatusIMEI getStatusImei() {
> try {
> return StatusIMEI.getStatus(statusImei);
> } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
> throw new IllegalStateException("Status code unknown for
> mobile phone with PK: " + id, e);
> }
> }
> public StatusBlocked getStatusBlocked() {
> try {
> return StatusBlocked.getStatus(statusBlocked);
> } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
> throw new IllegalStateException("Status code unknown for
> mobile phone with PK: " + id, e);
> }
> }
> public MobilePhone(final String prefix, final String number, final
> String imeiNumber, final StatusIMEI statusIMEI, final StatusBlocked
> statusBlocked) {
> this.prefix = prefix;
> this.number = number;
> this.imeiNumber = imeiNumber;
> this.statusImei = statusIMEI.getCode();
> this.statusBlocked = statusBlocked.getCode();
> }
> public MobilePhone() {
> }
> public static class StatusIMEI {
> /**
> * Blocked
> */
> public final static StatusIMEI LOCKED = new StatusIMEI("LOCKED");
> /**
> * Unblocked
> */
> public final static StatusIMEI UNLOCKED = new
> private final String code;
> private StatusIMEI(final String code) {
> this.code = code;
> }
> public String getCode() {
> return code;
> }
> public static StatusIMEI getStatus(final String statusCode){
> if(LOCKED.getCode().equals(statusCode)){
> return LOCKED;
> }
> else if(UNLOCKED.getCode().equals(statusCode)){
> return UNLOCKED;
> }
> else{
> throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown staus code
> detected. Code was: " + statusCode);
> }
> }
> public boolean equals(final Object o) {
> if (this == o) return true;
> if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
> final StatusIMEI statusIMEI = (StatusIMEI) o;
> if (code != null ? !code.equals(statusIMEI.code) :
> statusIMEI.code != null) return false;
> return true;
> }
> public int hashCode() {
> return (code != null ? code.hashCode() : 0);
> }
> }
> public static class StatusBlocked {
> /**
> * Blocked
> */
> public final static StatusBlocked NEWBLOCKED = new
> StatusBlocked("NEWBLOCKED");
> /**
> * Unblocked
> */
> public final static StatusBlocked NONEWBLOCKED = new
> StatusBlocked("NONEWBLOCKED");
> private final String code;
> private StatusBlocked(final String code) {
> this.code = code;
> }
> public String getCode() {
> return code;
> }
> public static StatusBlocked getStatus(final String statusCode){
> if(NEWBLOCKED.getCode().equals(statusCode)){
> return NEWBLOCKED;
> }
> else if(NONEWBLOCKED.getCode().equals(statusCode)){
> }
> else{
> throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown staus code
> detected. Code was: " + statusCode);
> }
> }
> public boolean equals(final Object o) {
> if (this == o) return true;
> if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
> final StatusBlocked statusBlocked = (StatusBlocked) o;
> if (code != null ? !code.equals(statusBlocked.code) :
> statusBlocked.code != null) return false;
> return true;
> }
> public int hashCode() {
> return (code != null ? code.hashCode() : 0);
> }
> }
> }
> package com.tietoenator.bekey.aucore.persistence;
> import javax.persistence.*;
> /**
> * User: mollekas
> * Date: 2007-06-26
> * Time: 14:29:18
> */
> @Entity
> public class DistMob {
> @Id
> @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
> private String id;
> @ManyToOne
> @JoinColumn(name = "DistributorFK")
> private Distributor distributor;
> @ManyToOne
> @JoinColumn(name = "MobilePhoneFK")
> private MobilePhone mobilePhone;
> private String status;
> public void setDistributor(final Distributor distributor) {
> this.distributor = distributor;
> }
> public void setMobilePhone(final MobilePhone mobilePhone) {
> this.mobilePhone = mobilePhone;
> }
> public void setStatus(final Status status) {
> this.status = status.getCode();
> }
> public Distributor getDistributor() {
> return distributor;
> }
> public MobilePhone getMobilePhone() {
> return mobilePhone;
> }
> public Status getStatus() {
> try {
> return Status.getStatus(status);
> } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
> throw new IllegalStateException("Status code unknown for
> stairway with PK: " + id, e);
> }
> }
> public DistMob(final Distributor distributor, final MobilePhone
> mobilePhone, final Status status) {
> this.distributor = distributor;
> this.mobilePhone = mobilePhone;
> this.status = status.getCode();
> }
> public DistMob() {
> }
> public static class Status {
> /**
> * Blocked
> */
> public final static Status BLOCKED = new Status("BLOCKED");
> /**
> * Unblocked
> */
> public final static Status UNBLOCKED = new Status("UNBLOCKED");
> private final String code;
> private Status(final String code) {
> this.code = code;
> }
> public String getCode() {
> return code;
> }
> public static Status getStatus(final String statusCode){
> if(BLOCKED.getCode().equals(statusCode)){
> return BLOCKED;
> }
> else if(UNBLOCKED.getCode().equals(statusCode)){
> return UNBLOCKED;
> }
> else{
> throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown staus code
> detected. Code was: " + statusCode);
> }
> }
> public boolean equals(final Object o) {
> if (this == o) return true;
> if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
> final Status status = (Status) o;
> if (code != null ? !code.equals(status.code) : status.code
> != null) return false;
> return true;
> }
> public int hashCode() {
> return (code != null ? code.hashCode() : 0);
> }
> }
> }
> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
> Kasper Møller
> Konsulent / Consultant
> TietoEnator A/S
> Healthcare & Welfare (HCWD-CSU)
> Direct: +45 72 30 62 93
> Mobile: +45 25 42 36 50
> E-mail: <>
> Vesterbrogade 149
> DK - 1620 København V
> <>
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