Hi Tom,
These days I've been really busy on my original job, but I had some time to
fix this issue. :-)
The logic of generating unique constraint key name had problem of truncating
sequence number which is appended to table name, therefore if the table name
is long and there are more than one unique constraints this problem could
occur in any database. I fixed this similar to the logic of generating
foreign key constraint name(buildForeignKeyConstraintName method).
Please see below diff.
With this fix there was no failure in the existing entity persistence tests
and I confirmed that unique constraint names are generated always with
sequence number with my local test. But I could not run the test against MS
SQL Server because I don't have a machine now where SQL Server is installed.
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -c -w -r1.16 DefaultTableGenerator.java
6 May 2007 02:17:06 -0000 1.16
17 May 2007 08:51:01 -0000
*** 742,748 ****
UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKeyConstraint;
int serialNumber = 0;
for (String[] uniqueConstraint : uniqueConstraints) {
! if(uniqueConstraint.length == 0) continue;
uniqueKeyConstraint =
serialNumber++, databasePlatform);
--- 742,748 ----
UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKeyConstraint;
int serialNumber = 0;
for (String[] uniqueConstraint : uniqueConstraints) {
! if(uniqueConstraint == null || uniqueConstraint.length == 0)
uniqueKeyConstraint =
serialNumber++, databasePlatform);
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -w -r1.10 TableDefinition.java
6 May 2007 02:17:06 -0000 1.10
17 May 2007 08:51:01 -0000
*** 479,489 ****
! * Return unique key constraint name built from the table and field
name with the specified maximum length. To
! * make the name short enough we
* 1. Drop the "UNQ_" prefix.
* 2. Drop the underscore characters if any.
! * 3. Drop the vowels from the table and field name.
* 4. Truncate the table name to zero length if necessary.
protected String buildUniqueKeyConstraintName(String tableName, int
serialNumber, int maximumNameLength) {
--- 479,489 ----
! * Return unique key constraint name built from the table name and
! * number with the specified maximum length. To make the name short
enough we
* 1. Drop the "UNQ_" prefix.
* 2. Drop the underscore characters if any.
! * 3. Drop the vowels from the table name.
* 4. Truncate the table name to zero length if necessary.
protected String buildUniqueKeyConstraintName(String tableName, int
serialNumber, int maximumNameLength) {
*** 495,507 ****
// Still too long: remove the underscore characters
uniqueKeyName =
+ serialNumber, maximumNameLength);
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
! // Still too long: remove vowels from the table name
and field name.
String onlyAlphaNumericTableName =
Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(tableName, 0);
! uniqueKeyName =
Helper.shortenStringsByRemovingVowelsToFit(onlyAlphaNumericTableName, "",
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
! // Still too long: remove vowels from the table
name and field name and truncate the table name.
String shortenedTableName = Helper.removeVowels
! uniqueKeyName = Helper.truncate(shortenedTableName,
maximumNameLength - shortenedTableName.length());
--- 495,508 ----
// Still too long: remove the underscore characters
uniqueKeyName =
+ serialNumber, maximumNameLength);
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
! // Still too long: remove vowels from the table name
String onlyAlphaNumericTableName =
Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(tableName, 0);
! String serialName = String.valueOf(serialNumber);
! uniqueKeyName =
serialName, maximumNameLength);
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
! // Still too long: remove vowels from the table
name and truncate the table name.
String shortenedTableName = Helper.removeVowels
! uniqueKeyName = Helper.truncate(shortenedTableName,
maximumNameLength - serialName.length()) + serialName;