
From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 14:46:48 -0500

The following will be checked in:

- ailitche_ri_gf_1771 gf1771 - OutOfMemory thrown when trying to bulk
insert entites with bi-directional Many to Many relationship using JPA
in Java SE. - note: there is still an issue with the test, so this bug
will not be marked closed
- ailitche_ri_gf1732_061215 gf1732 - JSE multiple factories problem
- ailitche_ri_gf1451_061214 gf1451 - complex updates to null using
temporary storage do not work on Derby
- xiaosche_main_staticweave_fix_061211 Fixed StaticWeave class javadoc
- lhillis_gf1217_061206 gf1217 - Join table names were not defaulting

The attached jar file contains diff files for the fixes.
