Hi Markus,
I am copying the persistence list on this reply since there may be
some people on the list that are interested.
I believe there are two things we have to do.
1. You had some concerns about the licensing. We need to alleviate
those concerns. Hopefully some of the Sun folks have made some progress
and can share it with us.
2. We should get your code reviewed. When we all agree that it is in
shape to check-in we will check it in. To get the code reviewed, I
beleive the best strategy is to send it to the persistence list and
request a review. Let me know if that makes sense to you.
Markus KARG wrote:
>Hi guys,
>did not hear from you for days. As far as I know there is nothing more
>open for me to do, so I wanted to ask what the status of integration of
>SQLAnywherePlatform is. Do you like me to do anything? What exactly? How
>will we go on with this?