Re: Fix for bug 3457 checked in

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 14:42:00 -0400

At the moment, there is one JUnit call in entity-persitence test suite.
It runs with the agent. This issue will only actually show a symptom if
you are running in an application server where a persistence unit could
be loaded by a parent of the TempEntityLoader, so I am not even sure
what a test that ran in SE would test for.


Sahoo wrote:

> Tom Ware wrote:
>> Issue number: 3457
>> Obtained from: TopLink
>> Submitted by: Tom Ware
>> Reviewed by: Chris Delahunt
>> Avoid creating TempEntityLoader when we detect the javaagent was not
>> run.
>> Tested with entity-persistence-tests, QuickLook and manual test
>> attached to bug 3420.
>> No automated test added due to lack of server testing framework
> Are there no test in entity-persistence suite which runs without the
> agent?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo