Re: default byte[] -> BLOB mapping for JavaDB

From: Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 17:27:38 -0700

Hi Dies,

TLE is not actively being worked on. Can you please file an issue
against EclipseLink
track this.


Dies Koper wrote:
> Hi Lance, Mitesh,
> Thanks for the quick reply, Lance!
> Mitesh, if I understand correctly you have written the Derby support
> in TLE/EclipseLink?
> I also sent an e-mail to the Derby dev ML about this issue and got the
> following reply from Rick Hillegas:
> -------------
> I am not an expert on Toplink or its default datatype mappings for
> Derby. I think that LONGVARBINARY is a better mapping for byte[] and I
> would reserve BLOB as the mapping for columns which you really want to
> manipulate using the java.sql.Blob methods. It may be that BLOB is the
> default mapping because it can hold more bytes than the Derby
> hold up to 2,147,483,647 bytes while a Derby LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA
> can only hold up to 32,700 bytes.
> I don't know why Toplink is trying to put a LONGVARBINARY NULL into a
> column of type BLOB. The javadoc for PreparedStatement.setNull() states
> that the type of the NULL must be the type of the column. So I would
> expect that the code would do this instead:
> ps.setNull( n, java.sql.Types.BLOB );
> Again, I'm not an expert on the O/R mapping frameworks, but I get the
> impression that it is fairly easy to tweak their vendor-specific
> datatype mappings. If your byte[] fields aren't longer than 32,700 bytes
> and you don't use the java.sql.Blob methods, then LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT
> DATA ought to work for you.
> -------------
> In TLE, for Oracle, byte[] fields map to LONG RAW while byte[]
> annotated with @Lob map to BLOB. Can't we do the same for JavaDB/Derby
> and make byte[] fields without the @Lob annotation map to LONG VARCHAR
> Thanks,
> Dies
> Lance Andersen wrote:
>> This appears to be a bug in Toplink/Eclipselink that probably did not
>> show until Derby 10.4.x as there was a bug fix made to Derby and
>> previous versions of Java DB/Derby included with Glassfish was based
>> on 10.2.x.
>> Regards
>> Lance
>> On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Dies Koper wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've run into an issue with an entity with a persistence field of type
>>> byte[] and JavaDB.
>>> The application worked on GF V2.0, but I get an error message on GF
>>> V2.1/V3 when I do not initialize the field (i.e. leave it null):
>>> Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: An attempt was made to get a data
>>> value of type 'LONGVARBINARY' from a data value of type 'BLOB'.
>>> at
>>> Source)
>>> at
>>> Source)
>>> at
>>> Source)
>>> at
>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform.setComplexParameterValue(
>>> The problem, in a nutshell, seems to be:
>>> I use the default table generation function, so on JavaDB it creates a
>>> table with column type BLOB.
>>> When I create an entity and leave this field null, I get the error
>>> above
>>> when I flush it to the DB: the Derby driver complains that I try to put
>>> a Null of type Types.LONGVARBINARY into a column of type BLOB.
>>> I found a lot of discussions on the Derby mailing list, and it seems
>>> the
>>> error check was added intentionally between the Derby versions bundled
>>> with GF v2.0 and GFv2.1/V3.
>>> Why does GlassFish/Toplink choose BLOB as column type during table
>>> generation for JavaDB?
>>> From the Derby manual I understand that if it were mapped to LONG
>>> VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, this problem would not occur.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dies