Re: default byte[] -> BLOB mapping for JavaDB

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 14:52:25 +1000

Hi Lance, Mitesh,

Thanks for the quick reply, Lance!

Mitesh, if I understand correctly you have written the Derby support in

I also sent an e-mail to the Derby dev ML about this issue and got the
following reply from Rick Hillegas:

I am not an expert on Toplink or its default datatype mappings for
Derby. I think that LONGVARBINARY is a better mapping for byte[] and I
would reserve BLOB as the mapping for columns which you really want to
manipulate using the java.sql.Blob methods. It may be that BLOB is the
default mapping because it can hold more bytes than the Derby
hold up to 2,147,483,647 bytes while a Derby LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA
can only hold up to 32,700 bytes.

I don't know why Toplink is trying to put a LONGVARBINARY NULL into a
column of type BLOB. The javadoc for PreparedStatement.setNull() states
that the type of the NULL must be the type of the column. So I would
expect that the code would do this instead:

   ps.setNull( n, java.sql.Types.BLOB );

Again, I'm not an expert on the O/R mapping frameworks, but I get the
impression that it is fairly easy to tweak their vendor-specific
datatype mappings. If your byte[] fields aren't longer than 32,700 bytes
and you don't use the java.sql.Blob methods, then LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT
DATA ought to work for you.

In TLE, for Oracle, byte[] fields map to LONG RAW while byte[] annotated
with @Lob map to BLOB. Can't we do the same for JavaDB/Derby and make
byte[] fields without the @Lob annotation map to LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA?


Lance Andersen wrote:
> This appears to be a bug in Toplink/Eclipselink that probably did not
> show until Derby 10.4.x as there was a bug fix made to Derby and
> previous versions of Java DB/Derby included with Glassfish was based on
> 10.2.x.
> Regards
> Lance
> On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Dies Koper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've run into an issue with an entity with a persistence field of type
>> byte[] and JavaDB.
>> The application worked on GF V2.0, but I get an error message on GF
>> V2.1/V3 when I do not initialize the field (i.e. leave it null):
>> Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: An attempt was made to get a data
>> value of type 'LONGVARBINARY' from a data value of type 'BLOB'.
>> at
>> Source)
>> at
>> Source)
>> at
>> Source)
>> at
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform.setComplexParameterValue(
>> The problem, in a nutshell, seems to be:
>> I use the default table generation function, so on JavaDB it creates a
>> table with column type BLOB.
>> When I create an entity and leave this field null, I get the error above
>> when I flush it to the DB: the Derby driver complains that I try to put
>> a Null of type Types.LONGVARBINARY into a column of type BLOB.
>> I found a lot of discussions on the Derby mailing list, and it seems the
>> error check was added intentionally between the Derby versions bundled
>> with GF v2.0 and GFv2.1/V3.
>> Why does GlassFish/Toplink choose BLOB as column type during table
>> generation for JavaDB?
>> From the Derby manual I understand that if it were mapped to LONG
>> VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, this problem would not occur.
>> Thanks,
>> Dies