Hi Tom,
Tom Ware wrote:
> Hi Sahoo,
> Quick question.
> If there is no restriction in the spec saying that
> getTempClassLoader() cannot be called more than once, what is
> preventing another persitence provider from doing that?
That is why I said, we need to fix the spec.
Is TopLink Essential relying on getTempClassLoader() to return the
*same* class loader every time? If so, then as I mentioned, we need to
make it clear in the javadocs of that API. Else provider should handle
the case where container returns a new class loader every time or the
spec adds this restriction to the API.
Since container is not allowed to cache the temporary class loader, I
suspect having a requirement that getTempClassLoader() must return the
same class loader every time will be tricky to implement.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>> Hi Tom/Chris,
>> I have figured out what is causing that failure. TopLink Essentials
>> calls PersistenceUnitInfo.getTempClassLoader() twice:
>> public EntityManagerFactory
>> createContainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo info){
>> EntityManagerSetupImpl emSetupImpl = new EntityManagerSetupImpl();
>> Collection entities = buildEntityList(info, info.getTempClassLoader());
>> ClassFileTransformer transformer = emSetupImpl.predeploy(entities,
>> info.getTempClassLoader(), info);
>> ...
>> }
>> When I changed the above TopLink file to call getTempClassLoader()
>> only once, that validation exception went away. Looks like the
>> contract for getTempClassLoader() needs to be well defined.
>> Our container creates a new ClassLoader for each invocation of
>> getTempClassLoader. This is fine as far as the contract defined in
>> the javadocs of that API:
>> /**
>> * Return a ClassLoader that the provider may use to temporarily load any
>> * classes, resources, or open URLs. The scope and classpath of this
>> loader
>> * is exactly the same as that of the loader returned by
>> * PersistenceInfo.getClassLoader. None of the classes loaded by this
>> class
>> * loader will be visible to application components.
>> *
>> * @return Temporary ClassLoader with same visibility as current loader
>> */
>> public ClassLoader getTempClassLoader();
>> See the above javadocs is silent about what should happen for
>> multiple invocations. Where as the earlier javadocs for
>> InstrumentableClassLoader's copy() method used to say the following:
>> /**
>> * Create and return a temporary loader with the same visibility
>> * as this loader. The temporary loader may be used to load
>> * resources or any other application classes for the purposes of
>> * introspecting them for annotations. The persistence provider
>> * should not maintain any references to the temporary loader,
>> * or any objects loaded by it.
>> *
>> * @return A temporary classloader with the same classpath as this loader
>> */
>> public ClassLoader copy();
>> The earlier one at least talked about what should happen each time it
>> is called.
>> Since container is not allowed to maintain a reference to this class
>> loader, I think provider should not call getTempClassLoader()
>> multiple times.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> Markus Fuchs wrote:
>>> Hi Shelly, hi Ken,
>>> Thanks very much for forwarding this information.
>>> Ken,
>>> I see the same behavior when running the Quicklook
>>> persistence-onetomanyApp.ear:
>>> The class pe.ejb.ejb30.persistence.toplinksample.ejb.OrderEntity is
>>> loaded twice.
>>> once with a ClassLoader I:
>>> com.sun.enterprise.util.ConnectorClassLoader @8537
>>> Parent: com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader @8732
>>> once with a ClassLoader II:
>>> com.sun.enterprise.util.ConnectorClassLoader @6763
>>> Parent: com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader @8732
>>> Any idea, why the same class is loader twice by different
>>> ClassLoaders, each sharing the same ParentClassLoader? The Quicklook
>>> test can be found
>>> appserv-tests/sqetests/ejb/ejb30/persistence/onetomany in the
>>> glassfish repository.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- markus.
>>> Shelly (Donna) McGowan wrote:
>>>> Markus,
>>>> I'm not sure if your debugging the schema deployment problem exhibited
>>>> in Deepa's quicklook test or the ManyToOne/OneToMany relationships
>>>> fail
>>>> to load or both, but Oracle sent this email on Friday inferring a
>>>> classloader issue on the ManyToOne/OneToMany issue. Just wanted to
>>>> make
>>>> sure you saw this.
>>>> Shelly
>>>> Markus Fuchs wrote On 11/04/05 20:13,:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I now can reproduce the problem in my environment and should be
>>>>> able to find the problem soon. But I have to leave now. I'm
>>>>> planning on updating y'all Sunday.
>>>>> Have a good weekend,
>>>>> -- markus.
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Subject:
>>>>> Re: [Issue 66] New - Enterprise archives fail to load if MX1 and
>>>>> 1XM relationships used in entities within persistence archive
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Christopher Delahunt <christopher.delahunt_at_oracle.com>
>>>>> Date:
>>>>> Fri, 04 Nov 2005 14:53:04 -0500
>>>>> To:
>>>>> persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>>> To:
>>>>> persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>>> CC:
>>>>> Peter Krogh <peter.krogh_at_oracle.com>, Shelly.McGowan_at_Sun.COM
>>>>> Hello Sun,
>>>>> In tracking down this bug, we have encountered a situation we
>>>>> cannot explain. In our initialization code we explicitly load all
>>>>> entity classes with the provided temp loader. When processing
>>>>> Order, the return type on getLineItem yields a class that was
>>>>> loaded by a loader that is different than the one provided. This
>>>>> behavior is the root of the problem, and is occurring since the
>>>>> changes on the 26th.
>>>>> Any insight is appreciated.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Shelly (Donna) McGowan [mailto:Shelly.McGowan_at_Sun.COM]
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:58 PM
>>>>>> To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Issue 66] New - Enterprise archives fail to load if
>>>>>> MX1
>>>>>> and 1XM relationships used in entities within persistence archive
>>>>>> This issue is still occurring on the latest Glassfish builds (11/1).
>>>>>> There is no workaround that I'm aware of that resolves the issue
>>>>>> except
>>>>>> to use last week's promoted build (10/26).
>>>>>> If there is a workaround, please reply to this alias.
>>>>>> Shelly
>>>>>> smcgowan_at_dev.java.net wrote On 10/30/05 17:01,:
>>>>>>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=66
>>>>>>> Issue #|66
>>>>>>> Summary|Enterprise archives fail to load if MX1 and 1XM relati
>>>>>>> |onships used in entities within persistence archive
>>>>>>> Component|glassfish
>>>>>>> Version|9.0pe
>>>>>>> Platform|Sun
>>>>>>> OS/Version|Solaris
>>>>>>> URL|
>>>>>>> Status|NEW
>>>>>>> Status whiteboard|
>>>>>>> Keywords|
>>>>>>> Resolution|
>>>>>>> Issue type|DEFECT
>>>>>>> Priority|P1
>>>>>>> Subcomponent|entity-persistence
>>>>>>> Assigned to|mvatkina
>>>>>>> Reported by|smcgowan
>>>>>>> ------- Additional comments from smcgowan_at_dev.java.net Sun Oct
>>>>>>> 30 22:01:42 +0000 2005 -------
>>>>>>> enterprise archives containing a persistence archive in which
>>>>>>> the entities have
>>>>>>> a ManyToOne or OneToMany relationship defined fail to load with a
>>>>>>> ValidationException as shown below. These mapping of the
>>>>>>> relationships are
>>>>>>> correctly defined and have worked till recently (10/27). The
>>>>>>> verifier
>>>>>>> highlights the same problem.
>>>>>>> Exception Description: The attribute [employees] in entity class
>>>>>>> [class
>>>>>>> com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.Insurance] has
>>>>>>> a mappedBy value of [insurance] which does not exist in its
>>>>>>> owning entity class
>>>>>>> [class com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.
>>>>>>> EmbeddableSuperclass, this is invalid, and your attribute should
>>>>>>> reference the
>>>>>>> correct subclass.
>>>>>>> Local Exception Stack:
>>>>>>> Exception [TOPLINK-7154] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 10g
>>>>>>> release 4 (
>>>>>>> (Build 051026Dev)):
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException
>>>>>>> Exception Description: The attribute [employees] in entity class
>>>>>>> [class
>>>>>>> com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.Insurance] has
>>>>>>> a mappedBy value of [insurance] which does not exist in its
>>>>>>> owning entity class
>>>>>>> [class com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.
>>>>>>> EmbeddableSuperclass, this is invalid, and your attribute should
>>>>>>> reference the
>>>>>>> correct subclass.
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException.noMappedByAttributeFound(ValidationException.java:1019)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProcessor.getOwnerMapping(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:418)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProcessor.getOwnerMappingForeignKeys(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:430)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProcessor.processOneToMany(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:1893)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProcessor.processRelationshipAccessor(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:2236)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProcessor.processRelatedClass(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:2207)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProcessor.processORAnnotations(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:1989)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerSetupImpl.predeploy(EntityManagerSetupImpl.java:299)
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerFactoryProvider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactoryProvider.java:
>>>>>>> 104)
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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