Happy new year!
Michael, Your understanding of how it is defined
is correct.
Mike, what do you think -- should we extend this
to support direct comparison of embedded objects,
or hold off?
Michael Bouschen wrote:
> Hi Linda, hi Mike,
> Happy New Year!
> I have a question about embedded objects in EJBQL: does EJBQL allow
> comparing of embedded objects? Suppose class Customer has a property
> embeddedCountry annotated as @Embedded of @Embeddable type
> EmbeddedCountry. The following EJBQL query compare the property with a
> parameter:
> SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE c.embeddedCountry = :param
> I read chapter 4.4.4 Path Expressions that I can navigate through an
> embedded object. But a path expression must end in a simple state-field
> which cannot refer an embedded object. Is this correct? Then the above
> query would not be valid.
> Regards Michael