The question is this:
I've never used jpa and persistence in my java ee 5 application.
Now i want to introduce it for some features.
My envirorment is glassfishThe question is this:
I've never used jpa and persistence in my java ee 5 application.
Now i want to introduce it for some features.
My envirorment is glassfish v1 appl server.
I want to write a simple ejb and the relative entity using jpa
technology, but i have the following problem.
My application uses severals connection pools, one pool per customer.
Currently the pool to be used is dinamically determined via jndi lookup
(at runtime).
When a new customer is added, he will have its own database.
So we create the database and the respective connection pool on the appl
server at runtime via the asadmin tool. No application ear re-packaging
and re-deploy is required.
Using jpa persistence unit i must statically define it in the
So running my application on domains that have different connection
pools, requires that my appication ear to be re-packaged, mapping in the
persistence.xml all the persistence units (that refer to the customer
This is not good, because in this way i must package a
configuration-specific ear for every appl server (or domain).
Is this correct?
Is there an alternative to hot deploy the persistence units (with the
asadmin or smething like it), that will be looked up later via jndi lookup?
The statically source code definition is not usable in my envirorment.
Tahnks v1 appl server.
I want to write a simple ejb and the relative entity using jpa
technology, but i have the following problem.
My application uses severals connection pools, one pool per customer.
Currently the pool to be used is dinamically determined via jndi lookup
(at runtime).
When a new customer is added, he will have its own database.
So we create the database and the respective connection pool on the appl
server at runtime via the asadmin tool. No application ear re-packaging
and re-deploy is required.
Using jpa persistence unit i must statically define it in the
So running my application on domains that have different connection
pools, requires that my appication ear to be re-packaged, mapping in the
persistence.xml all the persistence units (that refer to the customer
This is not good, because in this way i must package a
configuration-specific ear for every appl server (or domain).
Is this correct?
Is there an alternative to hot deploy the persistence units (with the
asadmin or smething like it), that will be looked up later via jndi lookup?
The statically source code definition is not usable in my envirorment.
Alessandro Pedrotti
Anthesi s.r.l.
via M.Misone, 14 - Riva del Garda (ITALY)
Tel. +39 0464 553300 Fax. +39 0464 559010
Http:// -
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