Hi Manager.
I am developing the EJB3.0 application with Toplink Essentails.
The version is Glassfish v2-b58g(FCS).
I found information about the Batch Reading and Batch Writing
from Oracle Web Site, however I don't know whether it is available
to toplink essentials.
In my application, I wish to improve performace about database access,
but I coun't find the documents for performance.
We would really appreciate if you could reply to below questions.
If you have the plan for RFE, Would you kindly let us know about the RFE schedule ?
If it is impossible,
is there another methods for performace about database.
access? and do you have the plan for RFE?
Can i use the setHint for JDBC fetchSize in Query of Toplink Essentials.
Query queryEmployeesByFirstName = entityManager.createNamedQuery(
queryEmployeesByFirstName.setHint("refresh", new Boolean(true));
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best Regards,