You do not have to manually insert. The JPA provider will do it for you.
Mangala Tk wrote:
> Hi
> I am working with JPA(Netbeans/glassfish/mysql) example for Student
> Apllication
> case: " Any student can go to any class" So ManyToMany mapping
> between Student and CLasses entity classes
> in database it is creating 3 tables
> 1. Student
> 2.Classes
> 3.student_classes
> the 3rd one is because of Collection i used as it is manytomany
> student table have fields as ID , NAME
> Classes have fileds as classID , NAMe
> student_classes have studentID and CLassID as fileds
> now after saving of each student it should update student_Classes
> table also . Please tell me how to do this?
> do i have to insert mannually for that 3rd table? then how to write
> insert query ?
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