Re: Use same persistence unit in ejb and web tier

From: Benjamin Graf <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 22:27:31 +0200

Hash: RIPEMD160


your response makes be surprised. I used that code (generated by NetBeans for
this special problem) while working with a persistence unit scope in the web
application. But the same code doesn't work if the scope is in the enterprise
application? As far as I know the Persistence class should be used in the J2SE
environment so I'm not sure I can also use it in the glassfish environment.

Best regards,

Ian Evans wrote:
> Benjamin Graf <> wrote:
>> one problem is still there. How can I access this global defined
>> persistence unit. I tried an lookup,
>> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>> em = (EntityManager)
>> ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/persistence/LogicalName");
>> persistence/LogicalName registered in web.xml
>> but the EntityManager was null.
> In a web application that can't do resource injection, you use an
> EntityManagerFactory to create entity managers. You can't look up entity
> managers through JNDI.
> EntityManagerFactory emf =
> Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("PersistenceUnitName");
> EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
> If your web app is a servlet or has a JSF backing bean, you can inject
> the persistence unit just as you would in a session bean.
> I suggest you read the "Persistence in the Web Tier" chapter and look at
> the bookstore examples in the Java EE Tutorial. They demonstrate
> different strategies in web apps. For example, bookstore2 uses a servlet
> context listener to inject the entity manager factory.
> -i
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