Hi Aleksei,
I do not have a detailed list of what is expected, my understanding
comes from some presentations I have attended.
The mailing list for feature requests is:
persistenceNoSpam-feature-request_at_sun.com. If there are features that
you think would be useful, they would be very happy to hear from you.
For information about the planned features, keep you eye open for the
announcement of new JPA JSRs.
Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Thank you for the answer.
> At the moment, the specification does not have a mapping for simple
> collections. My understanding is that folks working on the next
> version
> of the specification intend to include this kind of a mapping.
> This would be really nice.
> Are you in touch with any of the spec editors?
> Do you know if custom types are considered for the next version as well?
> The way to access this functionality in current implementations
> is to
> make use of vendor extensions.
> Thank you, I'm aware of the vendor extensions.
> I'm the author of Hyperjaxb3, a tool which augments JAXB-generated
> classes with JPA annotations thus making them persistable. I'm
> currently developing a "pure" JPA version which uses no vendor
> extensions at all. Therefor I was asking for a "pure" JPA way to map a
> simple collection.
> Bye.
> /lexi