thanks marina, i did see that.
then i think my question becomes: is it necessary to have a bidirectional relationship to affect this behavior?
Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM> wrote: Look at the orderapp in the JavaEE tutorial - it has orders and lineitems with
overlapping PK/FK mapping. This is most probably what you need.
jeff wrote On 03/14/07 11:25,:
> in a one to many (or 1-1) relationship, i want the many's ID to
> incorporate it's one's ID.
> for example, if a have a Computer that has Ports. each port has a type,
> say "USB", "serial", etc. furthermore, say i can only have one of each
> type of port in a particular Computer.
> many Computers can have a Ports of the same type. how do i represent
> this? what is the ID for Port? the type is enough to ID it within the
> Computer, but i don't know how to represent this in JP. i think i want
> the Port's ID to incorporate the Computer's ID.
> in the database, i think this would mean that the table for Port has a
> foreign key pointing back to the the ID column of the table for Computer.
> i hope this makes sense.
> thanks!
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