CONFIG log messages?

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:19:11 -0700

Hi Tom,

If we change defaults to INFO (which is also the GF default), the following
messages will not be logged by default:

I. Via SessionLog.CONFIG

1. EntityManagerFactoryProvider
   a) translateOldProperties
=> this is the only one that you suggested to move to the INFO level

2. DatabaseAccessor
   a) buildConnectLog -> displays connection info
=> this might be important to display always, i.e. move it to the INFO level.

   b) connect -> "connecting" message
   c) disconnect -> "disconnect" message
   d) reestablishConnection -> "reconnecting" message

3. MetadataProcessor
   a) handleORMException
   b) buildEntityList -> "exception_loading_entity_class"
=> should this be an exception or at least a warning instead?

4. EntityManagerSetupImpl
   a) buildEntityList -> same as 3b) above (Sahoo, why do we have 2 methods doing
the same thing?)

II. Via logConfigMessage() call

5. MetadataAccessor
   a) getName -> logging the defaulting field

6. ClassAccessor
   a) processEntity -> logging alias name

7. RelationshipAccessor
   a) setReferenceClass -> logging the defaulting column name

8. MetadataHelper
   a) isOneToMany -> defaulting message
   b) isOneToOne -> defaulting message

Do you agree with the proposed changes?
