Re: JPA outside of EJB3

From: Gordon Yorke <>
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 11:29:39 -0500

It's not difficult at all. The specification was written specifically
including support for Java SE environments.
To get an EnityManagerFactory call
javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(). And you
will need to use local transactions (entityManager.getTransaction()).
Otherwise things are pretty much the same as a Java EE deployment.

I don't have any links on hand for tutorials but Google should be able
to help you out with that.

Dru Devore wrote:
> I have to ask the experts on this. I have been reading blurbs on
> different sites about being able to separate JPA from EJB3. I have not
> read the spec and have not had a lot of chance to simply play with this
> topic so I wanted to see what the glassfish persistence community would
> say before I put too much time into it.
> Can JPA be used without an EJB container?
> If so:
> How difficult is it:
> Where can I get more information about doing it?