Hi Benjamin,
It is not clear to me which of the following you are attempting.
1. To create a OneToMany (and its corresponding ManyToOne) relationship
between two entities.
2. To automatically create tables from entities and have the database
foreign key constraint automatically generated.
Please provide a little more detail about what you are trying to do and
the code that you are using to set up your ManyToOne.
Benjamin Graf wrote:
>does anybody know how to create a foreign key reference with toplink? I
>tried several times with @OneToMany(mappedBy...) @ManyToOne, but I didn't
>succeed in creating a reference in the database table. Is that a limitation
>of toplink because there are no further information in the
>ejb3.0-persisitence-spec pdf-file.
>Regards, Benjamin
Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598
Email: tom.ware_at_oracle.com