Translating queries for different database engines

From: Carcassi, Gabriele <>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:12:39 -0500



Is there a way to tell JPA or TopLink essentials to translate a
particular query in a particular way for a particular database server?


In my specific case, I have the following query:

c.serialNo, c.fieldName, c.cmpntTypeId.cmpntTypeId,
c.cmpntTypeId.cmpntTypeName) FROM Cmpnt c ORDER BY c.cmpntId"


For Mysql this gets transalated to:

SELECT t0.cmpnt_id, t0.serial_no, t0.field_name, t1.cmpnt_type_id,
t1.cmpnt_type_name FROM cmpnt t0, cmpnt_type t1 WHERE (t1.cmpnt_type_id
= t0.cmpnt_type_id) ORDER BY t0.cmpnt_id ASC


The problem is that Mysql generates a horrible query plan, and I need to
substitute it with:

SELECT t0.cmpnt_id, t0.serial_no, t0.field_name, t1.cmpnt_type_id,
t1.cmpnt_type_name FROM cmpnt t0 FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY), cmpnt_type t1
WHERE (t1.cmpnt_type_id = t0.cmpnt_type_id) ORDER BY t0.cmpnt_id ASC

which forces the use of the correct index, but I'd like to do that only
for mysql


What's the best way to achieve this?


